Hi All
Am new to the IBS network reading through the post are really helping me. At present am having a really bad flare up currently on day 9, the worst at the min is my trapped wind struggling to get it out which is causing me a lot of pain and feeling sick.
I seem to have a combination IBS some days diarrhoea and some days constipation. I can’t seem to work out what my triggers are which is also getting me down, for about 20 years now I ve never had a “Normal Bowel regime” but since the start of Covid and getting a promotion at work I think the stresses have Exacerbated my IBS.
At the minute I don’t have a life, I also have health anxieties which I know does not help because I think really is all this pain and symptoms IBS and not something more sinister.
I have spoken to my GP this morning, my stool sample came back negative, she going to refer me for another scan as I have gallbladder issue too. She wants me to do a bowel screening test and following them results then maybe a colonoscopy. (It’s all very frightening).
Does anyone else have trapped wind that last days and struggle to get it out ? It scares me I have a blockage because passing wind should not be so difficult should it?
If anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated am struggling now with all this.
Thanks for reading.