I have had ibs-d for a year now, really getting me down, doctors don’t seem to be that interested have just said it’s a functional gut issue and to take loperamide on bad days. Well bad days are every day. Have cut out all dairy and gluten And am now following low Fodmap diet so see how it goes. I just feel exhausted and my quality of life is awful. 😢
Ibs-d : I have had ibs-d for a year now, really... - IBS Network

Also cut out all fizzy drinks and reduce alcohol, don't eat nuts or sweetcorn (they come out exactly as they go in).
Hi have you tried a pro biotic? I use acidophilus non dairy and it has helped me. I am also on mebeverine and have started taking Entersol gel which is brilliant. I know how you feel u was the same for the first year, it's been nearly three now and it does get me down, but please try the gel it is brilliant. Good luck xx
Good Morning
Doctors as everyone in life, it will depend on who you meet.
I have suffered from IBS for 20 years and in my case it has both factors of diet and stress.
I have found by following a change in diet plus reducing stress to help.
I have been prescribed Mebeverine and I also take, probiotics, aloe vera tablets, actimel and peppermint oil tablets. In my case cut out heavy fried foods and spicy foods. IBS can lead to lack of sleep due to discomfort and further stress. Ask for another Doctor untyil you find one of more undertanding
Really feel for you Basil.. Don't lose hope... Hopefully as you continue to follow this diet you'll start to feel better.

Thank you, it’s great to get the support and advice from fellow sufferers
Keep trying, ask for a dietition who specialises in low fodmap, its saved me - download monash fodmap app but you need to follow ot 100% not 99%. If that fails, try going low fat to see if fat related. Dont give up x
Agree with Asbayford - going to a fodmap dietitian is the most likely path for a good result.
I was in the same position as you were, 10 years of IBS-D with my GP not able to suggest much until I discovered fodmap. My symptoms are now mainly well controlled, you should also look at stress levels too - most fodmappers are taking on stress as well as diet change.
The Monash app is the one to download, that will get you through the first few weeks. Be strict and don't reintroduce any fodmaps for quite a few weeks. I notice a few people recommended the Tummi fodmap app also. I've been using that for a week now and that seems to be more user-friendly once you are able to personalise your fodmap diet and eat a wider range of things. Focus on that outcome as I now have a really enjoyable diverse diet and am so much better for having taken the plunge.
Hope it all goes well it's worth perservering.
I’m taking Mebeverine they help a bit. I take 2 or 3 a day. As far as food is concerned it’s a lottery. Don’t despair, we are all fellow sufferers, you are not alone xx
Have you doctor prescribe you one of these 3 meds: Welchol, Colestipol, and/or Questran. All 3 are excellent at stopping diarrhea in its crappy tracks! I take 3 tablets a day off Colestipol (and my chronic diarrhea was awful and went on for years and years and years!)...2 in the morning and 1 in the evening. You can take up to 6 tablets a day if that's what it takes! Do this..you will not be sorry....

Sorry to hear you're struggling. We suggest going back to your GP. You should only follow an exclusion diet under the supervision of a registered dietitian. If you need help and advice please get in touch theibsnetwork.org