Good morning, I would appreciate any advice please. I have had ibs for many years now and can usually manage it, but at the moment I am struggling. Recently, I have had to have a few courses of antibiotics for a uti, one of these was ciprofloxacin which I know is a nasty antibiotic, since then I have had awful ibs symptoms, pain after eating, early morning rush and general tummy ache. I am taking alflorax and kefir and at the moment trying silicol gel, buscopan does help a little. I am also trying amitriptyline, although that is supposed to be for nerve pain!
I would normally just go with all this on the basis of it will clear eventually, but I am going on holiday shortly and am starting to panic, which I know won’t help. I also don’t think it’s helping as I am coping with joint pain too.
Thank you for reading and as I said any advice would be appreciated. I actually feel a bit better for writing this down!