I'm utterly physically and mentally exhausted. Had lifelong IBS and had flare ups in the past but nothing like this! Got viral gastroenteritis on holiday 6 wks ago. Since then have spent 3wks in hospital with D&V trying to get on top of it, the pain and hydration. I've lost a stone and half. I'm being investigated for BAM. On so many medicines to try manage sickness, pain and direahea. So exhausted can't sleep any more than few hrs at time. Have had to start antidepressants as very low, this has and is ruining life. Am literally stuck in bedroom, bathroom. Anyone else been through this where it just hasn't settled. I'm being crippled by the spasms and pain. I also suffer with HEDS and POTS which make things harder.
Exhausted 6 wk flare up post Gastroenteritis - IBS Network
Exhausted 6 wk flare up post Gastroenteritis

Sorry to hear that. Here is my general advice about IBS in a previous post of mine:
I am sorry to hear about your plight- it’s sounds dreadful! You state that you are under hospital care, so, presumably, you’re being closely followed up. I assume that you have had a full microbiological assessment of your stool, and blood investigations. You suggest, you are being investigated for BAM. In view of the severity of your symptoms, has Cholestyramine been tried as trial to see whether this is, in fact, bile acid related? Your weight loss is a bit concern-provoking, associated with vomiting and diarrhoea . Has the hospital excluded the possibility of Addison’s Disease, as vomiting, diarrhoea and weight loss are feature of this rare condition? I’m not certain how one accounts for your pain, which is, presumably, abdominal. There are other endocrine causes, such as Carcinoid syndrome but these are rare.
My advice is that you speak to your GP, if you haven’t done so already, and express your extreme distress. Ask him whether he might prescribe cholestyramine for the diarrhoea, if BAM, is being considered , and do ask whether the Hospital has excluded endocrine causes such as Addison’s Disease or Carcinoid syndrome.
You haven’t stated your age, or whether you have any other conditions besides POTS and HEDS. I presume you aren’t on steroids or had them very recently, since any inter-current infection or physical stress can cause problems if you have been taking steroids for long periods, and can risk an Addisonian Crisis.
One last suggestion, if this is a flare up of your IBS-D, you might try Enterosgel, which is useful, but with hydration problems you need to be careful. However, given your other symptoms, I might be very cautious , until other causes have been excluded.
In any event, I hope matters are sorted out for you soon.

Hi, thanks for the additional support that's very kind. It has been a really challenging time. I have had screens for different bacterias in my stools all negative so far. I am however on a prophylactic antibiotic all year because I have issues with my immune system and high risk of infections but mostly chest related. The hospital team says this could skew some of the stool results. Bloods were OK besides continued low thyroid. I have been tested for Addisons many times over the years because they keep questioning that. I await the latest stool result for FCP they have said if negative then urgent scope but advising holding off the trial of Colestyramine at the moment. I think I need to push harder to be tried on it though. Likely BAM by what's happening and have had IBS D issues since gallbladder was removed years ago. I've only just come home from hospital again so will chase a few things with my GP next week. Thank you again for the advice and suggestions. 🤗
My pleasure. Good to hear that the hospital appear to be “ on the ball”! Worth trying Enterosgel, then. Very useful in IBS-D with up to 78% reporting improvement in symptoms according to the company that manufacture it. It adsorbs toxins from the bacteria, but wont effect your gut microbiome. Available through Amazon or through the company. Good luck!

Excellent will do some reading up and consider it thanks 🙏