So I put a post on here other day bout what they found on ct scan thickening of stomach linning so been looking at my nhs app bout it all urgent referal for endoscopy and said it could be suspected upper gi cancer am worried sick here any advice
Ct scan : So I put a post on here other day bout... - IBS Network
Ct scan

Oh Dear i am lost for words. I am suprised there has been no reply after you posted this 9hours ago. I suppose people do not know what to say when the C word is mentioned. I really hope nothing but the best for you and that whatever it is can be treated with the best result possible. Sorry i have no advice because I have never experienced this but i'll be thinking of you
Hi, I was told just over a year ago that my womb lining was too thick. I was sent on a two week cancer scare to have a biopsy. They didn’t find any cancer,thank God. However like you I was googling and freaking out! So obviously I have no clue about stomach linings and what that could indicate but it could be another reason altogether and not cancerous at all.So try and stay off Google and think positively if possible 😊.Sending love xx
Just trying to get on with it wat will be will be but will find out more after endoscopy get that next Thursday everything has just been so rush don't no if am coming or going but thankyou to everyone who has replied will put an update on wen I find out wats going on
All good on endoscopy just found some bile reflux