Hi. Please can anyone recommend a good fibre supplement? I know I don't have enough fibre in my restricted diet which doesn't help with my constipation. I take 2 magnesium citrate tablets every night but even these don't help as they did when I first took them about 2 years ago. I know all the " experts" tell us to eat nuts seeds lentils etc etc as well as loads of fruit but my body wouldn't tolerate these things ( I have tried). I have been watching several podcasts on Youtube from Dr Will Bulsiewicz ( associated to "Zoe") & even he admits to taking a fibre supplement. These poscasts are well worth watching, sometimes they are a bit technical & the co-presenters are a bit annoying but I have picked up a few new tips re IBS.
Fibre supplement.: Hi. Please can anyone... - IBS Network
Fibre supplement.

I find that psyllium husk, flaxseed and chia seeds each morning with high fibre cereals help. The psyllium husk has an odd taste but you do get used to it. Fybogel each evening helps bulk things up too.
Magnesium Oxide might be a better bet than Magnesium Citrate, since the Citrate version is more absorbable, whereas the Oxide is less absorbable and more of it will end up in your bowels to draw in water.
Ground flaxseed and chia seeds with breakfast (with chia seed soaked in breakfast milk for 15 mins) unless you are intolerant to those.
There is Optifibre - you need to work up the dose as per instructions - though need to find the right amount for you since too much can give gas.
There is also Dietarty Fibre Cellulose which shouldn't give gas.
The standard recommendation seems to be Fybogel, but I think that one is Psyllium based, but depends if you are tolerant to Psyllium, which I am not, but might be worth a go if you've not tried it.
Thank you for your reply also thanks to Coachmanbythe sea. I did take psyllium husk some years ago & don't remember having problems with it so will try Fybogel. In one of the podcasts by Dr Will B-- that I mentioned in my query he gave 3 "types" of magnesium to take for constipation. One was mag citrate so I'm guessing that one of the other two was mag oxide . Thank you.
I take fybogel. Started with one sache a day, and when things settled down, now I only need half a sache. It is good for both IBSC and IBSD. It is not a drug, just high fibre drink.