Got horrible bout of C again this morning after dairy. I think its because i do better eating 10 g twice a week (i'm using it as a laxative which is not great but no choice as if cut out dairy completely i get blocked up which causes reflux!!)
Only way i could go this morning was standing up. What came out eventually was like a cow pat but kind of solidish maybe or just sticky. Dairy always causes huge bulky stool for me - not sure if its fatty stool. :S
Ate lots of pomegranate seeds and then a kiwi and by evening had been twice again and 2nd time diorrhea!! What the fuck have dieticians done to my bowels
Found chia seed pudding was only thing that really helped for C and coleslaw (raw veg) and maybe apples, as i eat lots of fruit and veg already and kind of full most days and eating when im not hungry just to get so many in.