Maybe a strange question, I am being treated for the last 12months with anxiety the minute I wake up it's has though someone switches it on in my stomach it feels horrendous and so nervous, the feeling in my stomach easy's off in the evening but come morning it's with me again I get bloated, pain and flatulence. I am thinking could this be IBS it's horrible waking up to this every morning I have taken sertraline for the last 9 years and been great on it but this last 12 months I'm struggling so much, tried upping the meds but no better. Any advice would be appreciated.
IBS LINKED WITH ANXIETY: Maybe a strange... - IBS Network

suggest magnesium and calcium supplementation.
Thanks I do take magnesium Glycinate to help with sleep, I feel so nauseas today
Magnesium only makes you sleep because it exposes a potassium defiency. Glycine isn’t best form for giving your body the amounts it needs, that’s best for fast relief of neurological/nerves
Also it needs to be 2:1 with calcium . The 2 parts being calcium. For best fastest relief
O have been seeing people post about calcium and magnesium. But I am getting other statements that make it unclear. I would like to try this. Can you please inform me 1) what is this useful for, 2) what form of calcium and magnesium is the best 3) and how much dosage. Thanks.
well your body needs every mineral, but magnesium is easierly depleted through stress, excess sodium depletes it, alcohol many things affect its absorption so its more a case of are we getting enough, calcium its great for digestion and anxiety combined with magnesium, these can be basic forms Oxide/ carbonate for general intake or citrate such versions for fast relief but less long term benefits, the dosing its revelateyl easy my supplements are pretty much the same mg per tablet, and the forms in terms of elemental are very close too, the French scientist who discovered said to use calcium 2:1mangesium ratio in elemental so thats roughly 400mg calcium carbonate and 400mg magnesium oxide.
Thanks for replying. I will give this a try. I felt that taking electrolyte seemed to affect my IBS and fatigue, but wasn't sure. So I will give this a try and see.
Hi SHEPHERI also suffer from IBS caused with anxiety and like yourself it's the mornings that it's bad,my stomach is jumping with nerves,which in turn makes me run to the loo,I hav been diagnosed with SAD syndrome but only in the winter,the doctor prescribed propranolol for my anxiety that helps came my anxiety ,i hope this helps
have you got upper abdominal grip tightness that pulls up to the middle of your chest or symptoms of GERD/Acid reflux , nausea or hoarse voice. Any of these may point to a sliding hiatal hernia but can only be detected through an endoscopy/gastroscopy.
just to add a sliding hiatal hernia can give terrible anxiety symptoms. I thought it was IBS or mutually but turns out I had this type of hernia.
There is a strong link between gut problems and anxiety it's revolving doors for me and has been for years I get responses from people " oh your nerves cause it" but you will often see on this forum members talking about a feeling of dread or anxiety just before a flare up, new evidence seems to show that IBS can also cause anxiety. Mornings are often difficult for me a therapist told me it's partly the rise in Cortisol as your body prepares to face the day add that in to your gut which has been digesting all night and is also waking up and the two things become a mindset, at present I'm finding it hard to face each day I must admit, I find meditation first thing can help also a tummy massage whilst you are still laying down, if you are fit and able some early morning exercise might help (also a distraction)
The vagus nerve also causes anxiety.
it could be the hiatus hernia causing the anxiety , it’s horrific for me. Join the hiatus hernia support group. I did a poll survey in regards to symptoms when your having a flare up , all anxiety and depression psychological issues were quite a lot of votes. The hiatus hernia affects your vagus nerve which can cause all these psychological and neurological nerve function issues.
The two are most certainly linked - and anxiety is a trigger for me also.
From what you have written, it sounds like NERVA (there is an app) would potentially help.
It’s not cheap by any means IMO but from my experience it is very good.
If you decide to use, I wish you all the best
I can relate to your problems. I've had IBS for years, however, it's got worse over the last three years and is mainly IBS D which is down to anxiety on wakening most mornings. I can be ok if I don't have to leave the house for anything. But recently had to go to the loo in the middle of the night as I was stressed out about a GP appt the next day. A GP wanted me to go onto Amitriptyline and it gave me the shakes, so I stopped it. Then I was prescribed Sertraline, it gave me acute diarrhoea so I stopped that. The very problem I wanted cured was triggered by Sertraline. To be honest, GPs don't really know what to do with IBS patients, so they try anti-depressants. I've given up asking for GP help with IBS-related problems now because it's trial and error with them. But I can empathise with you on the "anxiety on wakening", it's like someone just flicks a switch in my head and it all floods in. Have you tried looking in YouTube for anxiety videos? You might find something on there that helps, good luck.
How is your blood pressure and pulse? Can you measure when you feel anxious? If both are higher than “normal”, you probably can take propranolol - it reduces blood pressure, pulse and anxiety.
I have anxiety and took a bout of IBS following a Dr prescribing antiboitics for a UTI and murdering my gut health. My anxiety levels went off the chart as my weight was plumeting and my bowel habbits were like Forest Gumps box of chocolates - you never know what you are going to get - accompinied with the worry of did I have a bowel disease. To resolve it I went private got an ultrasound, adominal CT scan, FIT tests and calpractin tests. All clear which over time settled the anxiety and in time the IBS, it took about a year though but the key is to take contol and get the tests for reassurance or diagnoses and then take the next steps to manage anxiety levels and IBS. For anxiety the meds are no good, I find excersise, avoiding stressful environments, disconnicting from people and places that make you miserable and rest are the best medicines. I work hard to to still my mind. Hope this helps.