Hi I was wondering if anyone who has had a pip interview over the phone could shed some light on what sort of questions they ask you. As well as IBS I suffer with terrible anxiety and depression I’m really nervous about the call. Kind thoughts for all 🤗
pip claim: Hi I was wondering if anyone who has... - IBS Network
pip claim

I had a lovely lady who did my pip claim. Mine was after my lung cancer operation and treatment though. I'd already done an online application so most of the questions were about what I had already stated just clarification about symptoms and what i could and couldn't do! The process is lengthy unfortunately, just take your time and answer as best you can. Good luck.
Whilst I haven't been down the road of making a pip claim and being interviewed I do have IBS and suffer with anxiety quite badly at times as well the occasional bout of depression.
As the previous reply mentions, just be yourself. If you are finding that you are struggling in the interview, remember it is ok not to be ok and it is ok to struggle and let them know you are struggling. If you are anxious, again it is ok to be anxious and let your interviewer know.
If you know when you interview is, try doing some breathing exercises 5 minutes before hand. I can guarantee you will feel calmer and perhaps a little more confident.
You are a good person. Good luck! x
Always here if you ever want to chat to a fellow IBS sufferer…
I this month got 0 points and turned down I’m considering a reconsideration letter but it took so long on the phone , the tick boxes and questions they ask don’t relate really to Ibs diverticulitis etc as a struggle for fullTime work etc , I also have arthritis in hands and need sports massages in neck and back monthly and side effects from breast cancer treatment years ago
But seems as I can follow directions walk more than 200 yards and take meds unaided , and don’t need help washing I was a 0
That’s awful I’m so sorry 😔
Have you requested a form from the DWP as I had mine sent to me in the post here is the phone number for them: 08001214433 that's how I got mine the form is quite long but fairly easy to fill in I got mine back dated but mine was awarded to me as I had Breast Cancer and had to return another form back to them earlier this year so try to be patient with them as what with the postal strikes ETC this year but it is worth a try to see if you qualify 4 it or not as on the form I returned I mention IBS/Diverticular Disease well but I forgot to tell them about my Cataracts/ AMD as that was diagnosed after I sent it back to them Oh well never mind you can but try!!! I wish you well 4 the New Year take care xx
I have not needed to get PIP but on the fb crohns and colitis uk there are so many posts about this and apparently lots of help! Many posts talk about the do's and dont's and I think you will be given all the info you need...