I have eaten the same food 4 the last 3/4 weeks trying 2 keep this nasty IBS and Diverticular Disease at bay fed up now as I am trying all that I can 2 stop the nasty watery stuff ( poop ) away as when I have a nasty watery poop I take 1/2 imodiums just 2 make it stop I also take Buscopan every 2/3 hours 2 help with the pain 3 mebervines as told by the Doc as well as cocodamols and colomints as I am forever scared of pooping myself even when I don't go out as if I poop myself when I am home that is bad enough but at least I can clean myself up!!!! but that is so disgusting at times got 2 try and go out 4 my Autumn COVID/FLU jabs next week and full of fear and dread about it can anyone help PLEASE???
bungi61: I have eaten the same food 4 the last... - IBS Network

You certainly are stressing yourself out. Not helpful with stomach problems.
As for Covid shots, as long as it is a booster then you could likely miss it until the D dissipates. If you go out or have anyone coming in, including Hubby, mask up and keep sanitizing the hands.
I have never stopped wearing my masks since the beginning of Covid, as has my wife. My wife regularly does the RATS test to be sure she hasn't bought anything home, unwanted. My wife still works all day masked up as you never know when some moron comes into contact with you carrying the disease. Some times they don't even know themselves they are carrying and it is too late when the find out they have it to give them a miss. Yes we get odd looks but we are safe and haven't had Covid, colds or the flu since 2019. Covid is still killing people which people tend to ignore.
I heard America is considering a new mask mandate with the new strain of Covid they have.

In terms of mask wearing, I've been doing the same. Seems to be fair few people out there whose IBS has got worse after contracting COVID. I have seen scientific papers that say that it can really mess with the microbiome and also papers discussing the fact that COVID has caused IBS in some people.
It has taken such a long time for me to get my symptoms more under control, I really don't want to go backwards unnecessarily. I just tell people I that I am shielding. Shielding isn't just for the immune compromised. Since COVID is a multi-organ disease, if you have any kind of medical weakness COVID has the possibility of finding it, exploiting it and making it worse.
Yes, you are right, people can have COVID for 5 days or more without symptoms, but can still spread it. It can also take more than 5 days after contracting it to test positive. This means that even if someone isn't symptomatic (and some people don't get symptoms at all) or they have had a negative test within the first 5 days of first catching it, they could still have COVID, so you can't be absolutely sure.
I try to live life as normally as possible, but with wearing a mask to any in person events. I have even gone dancing wearing a mask (one of those respirator/filter ones so I can breathe really well).
I fully understand that others may not want to do this and it is down to personal choice.
I count myself lucky as throughout the COVID lock downs that I didn't get it even though I had 2 stay in 4 the whole year due 2 me having Breast Cancer and the chemo/radio that I had 2 have but that wasn't the problem and my hubby had 2 work all the way through it and he didn't bring it in the house but I am left with the aftermath of that and that was the start of me having this nasty IBS/Divert Disease ETC as I had 2 be careful as 2 what I ate with all of that I do keep going Doc's about it as mine all started after my PICC line removed as about 6/7 months after that I was getting blood in my poop and had 2 colonoscopies in a month 1st one 6/7 polyps removed nasty PREP stuff only 2 go back within 2 weeks 2 have 2nd one done so no recovery that was 2021 ( not much ) in between them had results through phone call ( no cancer ) then still getting the odd show of blood again in poop over Xmas so back 2 Doc's again early this year 2023 well if no better after the weekend try doc again as I can't keep on like this as I had a colon scan early this year all OK again after all I am trying 2 do this FODMAP diet ETC as best as I can and eat very little have lacto-free milk in my cups of teas gluten free pasta I do ad herbs 4 taste it is a nightmare as I find myself hating people on TV that can eat what they like and when I do go Doc's I try and write things down as best as I can as you only get a 10 minute slot and can't discuss it all and have 2 go back 2 try 2 tell them more it's never ending when it is the IBS/Divert Disease that needs sorting but 2 be honest even they don't know much about it give me more pills ETC and get on with it!!! Oh I wish there was something that they could!!!!! well look after yourself and take care PLEASE and thank you 4 your help
It all sounds really distressing and miserable - I feel for you as I recognise the fear of pooping in public. Do you use incontinence pants? They take away the anxiety of a humiliating accident and are perfectly comfortable and hygienic. They might give you peace of mind if you have to get out for your jab. It's important not to let this horrible condition rule our lives. I use them and it means I feel able to get out and about even if for only a short time.
Yes I do I wear them all the time and spend a lot of the time looking 4 the cheapest ones online as they are costly but people like us need 2 have them I even try 2 get up early 2 try and sort myself out before my hubby gets out of bed as he retire early 22 so he is about the place and when I do have 2 go toilet he always wants 2 have a chat with me about things that doesn't matter he just likes the sound of his voice I have told him 2 shut up and leave me alone but falls on his " DEAF EARS" Oh thank you so very much 4 your help so I shall try my best as I have 2 get the jab as I am immune compromised take care and look after yourself also PLEASE!!!!
Good morning, I too, used to have the same problem as you and was diagnosed, 13 years later with Bile Acid Malabsorption.
For this condition, I take 6 Colesevelam (3 tablets, twice a day), 1 Omeprazole, at dinner time and 1 Amitriptyline (10 mgs) in the evening. This has helped my condition considerably.
My problem occurred after I had my gall bladder out. There is a test called Sechat scan which can diagnose if you have BAM. Hope this helps.
Take 2 Imodium and mask up to get your jabs. Book them at a time you feel is 'better' for you. For most of us, this will not be first thing in the morning but maybe you are ok mid morning?
Covid is rife.. I currently have it and whilst they say this variant is not as long lasting (or severe) as other previous ones, it is still an unpleasant thing to have to deal with..... So, I agree with others on here who continue to wear masks in crowded places etc... I suspect I will test negative within the next day or so as I have had it over a week but it is important to still get jabbed as prevention is better than cure!
Thank you for the advice if I do go out I still wear a mask as I am immune compromised due 2 my history of Breast Cancer 2018 /2019 and had chemo/radio but I don't talk about that as at the moment I am trying 2 be free from this IBS/Diverticular Disease ETC as I had 2 shield 4 a year only went out 4 medical things and 2020 had 2 colonoscopies in a month several polyps removed each time then early this year had 2 have a colon scan so had 2 have COVID tests before the 2 colonoscopies hubby had a company van since he retired we don't have a vehicle not with the cost of living ETC so we use taxi's and we get our food shop online not that I eat very much but he does he can eat what he likes without the worry like we do anyway thank you once again and try 2 look after yourself PLEASE!!!!
Do you take ant vitamins or mineral supplements?
Yes I do take a multi vitamin tablet everyday I have been doing that 4 many years well before all this happened I used 2 be able eat what ever I liked apart from the odd thing that I just did not like anyway so I am trying 2 eat a little something each day but forever scared as 2 what will come out the other end of me as you know full well it's just a nasty circle the we go through each day and lost loads of weight with it and sometimes I look at my food and it's yukky as I do know we should try 2 do so 2 keep the digestive track moving and it is just a constant battle with it all the time and I would like 2 thank you 4 your reply and 4 you 2 take care of yourself PLEASE!!! OK
Do you take magnesium? Check your multi vitamins for magnesium, magnesium is a big no no if you are suffering from diarrhoea as it draws water into the colon.
have you tried just eating boiled rice with nothing else for about 5 days until you stomach settles then add one food and nothing else for 5 days if your stomach is ok then that food is a good food for you if your stomach plays up put that food on the bad list and avoid it, that’s what I had to do in the early days, yes it’s hard just eating rice for for a while but if it gets your life back on track it’s a small price to pay, so rice for 5 days then say add a boiled Egg after 5 days and if all ok after 5 days add say bell pepper so then each meal is rice egg bell pepper etc etc if the bell pepper affects you go back to when you were ok leave it 5 days then add something else. Do you eat many dark green veg like kale?
I am sorry 4 not replying sooner I have checked my multi vitamins pot and yes there is magnesium in there and looked online as 2 what it can do 2 people like us and will try the rice as you said and see how I go and thank you 4 your help as it's a job 2 know what 2 do as we both know!!! I even tried 2 look on my FODMAP sheet 2 see what that says as when you look on the WWW that really does or can leave you with more questions than answers and I am confused at the best of times ( age related ) 62 I tried srambled eggs in the past but never thought of a boiled one as they say nothing ventured nothing gained and I was eating brocolli and the green tops of leeks no kale as I thogh that was a no go!!! as just when I thought I was getting somewhere bang had a nasty mad dash 2 the toilet so took 2 imodiums and it is calming down now so was able 2 reply now as my late Mum would say manners don't cost a thing ( she only died last month she lived 150 miles away tummy bad so I couldn't go 2 her funeral but saw it on zoom not the same but hey ho!!! ) Do I stop taking vitamins tablets? and see if that helps any tips I would be very grateful Once again thank you very much and look after yourself my hubby is retired so I can't get any P&Q and when having a bad tummy it is bad enough coping on your own but when he is about the place that can make things 100% worse 4 me and we got no vehicle so he can't go out & about thanks 4 online shopping Oh didn't mean 2 go off track never mind sorry about that well he will do his own food so I will have 2 clean up after him ( more stress ) Thank You 4 your help take care!!!
A lot of the dark green veg has magnesium in them as do nuts and dark chocolate I would stop taking the multi vitamins for a couple of week so it gives them time to get out the system. Do you eat much meat? Boiled eggs have been proven to help stop loose stools, I have a hard boiled egg every morning I am sure it helps. As for the rice test it’s hard to stick to but worth it. When you had scrambled egg did you add milk or butter to it? Both can make stomach worse.
I can’t even have lacto free milk, I have found all milks upset my stomach, I used to be ok with soya but that’s now no good, the chances are you will never go back to eating whatever you like, you just need to find what you can and can’t eat, we grow our own tomatoes but I have to take the seeds out so they don’t get in my diverticulitis pouches, I have to peal and take seeds out of cucumber, peel all apples and peas etc but if that’s what it takes for me to be able to go out so be it. I miss going out with my wife for meals, she often goes out with our daughter but I stay at home if they eating out. And 62 is not that old, I am heading towards 61, have had this IBS for over 30 years and it still catches me out, I can’t eat onion or garlic both are big No no, I only eat free from bread from Sainsbury or Tesco as they don’t have Milk or sugar where just gluten free can have both but free from don’t. I enjoy cooking last night I cooked my wife lemon chicken and stuffing with potato runner beans kale broad beans, I had the chicken potato a few runner beans, no stuffing and I used to love stuffing, and as my stomach felt a bit twitchy yesterday I left the kale alone, I made us some strawberry lollies, I pushed the strawberries through a sieve to take out the seeds so the didn’t get in my diverticuliti paunches, they turned out very nice to be honest. You have got to find a way that works for you, if it mean different meals to your husband then that’s what it means. I know once you start to take control of it and accept you life is different you will be fine, yes it dose take a while but if you really want to feel better grab you IBS by it’s horns and live your life around it. I went through the denial stag, I think we all do but there is light at the end just a different light than before. F you ever want any tips on what to try only happy to help, try and keep away from processed foods like sausages pre packed hams etc they don’t help. If you can’t survive on just rice add some boiled chicken breast without the skin as fat is not a good friend if you have IBS. Boil or poach eggs not fry if scramble don’t use butter or milk, you need to start thinking differently 👍🏻
also sugar is not good and honey is a big No no try and avoid sweet things that have added sugar, sugars can ferment in the stomach causing gas and stomach discomfort, I just keep thinking of more things that I have just learned to avoid so it’s just part of my normal day, but it’s good as I am diabetic as well so no sugar or added sugar is good, also keep well away from sweeteners they are horrible if you have ibs
Well I haven't been able 2 eat properly since June 2018 as I had Breast Cancer as the chemo/radio messed up my taste buds 6 rounds of the chemo followed by 15 radio after that I thought OH GOOD I can go back 2 " NORMAL" just getting over that with as regular check ups then at the end of 2019 my son died then had 2 shield 4 a year due 2 COVID then at the start of 2020 had spots of blood in my poop fit tests all OK 1st colonoscopy 6/7 polyps removed PREP awful then told I had 2 go back 4 another colonoscopy 2/3 more removed so didn't have chance 2 recover after 1st one even more of that awful PREP stuff so I was up both nights before those as even water went right through me given FODMAP shoved out the hospital as if I knew what 2 do all last year never going any where only medical stuff like COVID jabs & mammograms not very well over last Xmas Bowel stuff again went Doc's again another colon scan early this year more prep stuff that left me without any control over my bowels I have taken the tablets that the Doc's gave me and nothing helps I even go days not eating that will help and these FODMAPS SO ANY HELP I AM VERY GRATEFUL as when you are trying 2 do it all by yourself it is hard when i don't really know what I am doing and I still don't now yes I have had dietitians from our hospital in Swindon and found them quite useless I would go private but the NHS knows full I can't afford it and so do I " CATCH 22" all the time thank you 4 your help soon we will all be eating fresh air and won't be long before they charge us 4 that ( ha ha) Well take care and look after yourself PLEASE !!!
Incorrect. Honey soothes the stomach. Do a google search. I use it often and have nothing but good results. Either as a sandwich or a teaspoon of it. Also use it as a hot lemon and honey drink. That's not even Manuka honey just regular clover honey. I doubt anything stays long enough in the stomach with diarrhea!
sorry to hear about your son, was it sudden if you don’t mind me asking? I would think that it was the treatment for the cancer that started the IBS. Mine started after I had a crushing accident at work 5 days before my daughter was born, I had a ton of plywood crush me from my neck to me hips. The worse I have had it was after Clovis started, I often think I had Covid before there were tests as I also ended up in Essex cardiac centre in Basildon at the start of 2021 after going through the whole of the first lockdown going into A&E as the GP were not seeing anyone, then one day I had an ecg then got told to go strait to A&E with suspected heart attack long story short march 2022 was told I had angina but also by that time my IBS was going crazy, have you had other stool tests done, I kept making a fuss saying my ibs was not normal so I was given a calprotecin test, my level were 460 normal is under 50, it shows if you have an infection in the colon and I clearly did. There is also SIBO small intestine bacteria overgrowth, but a lot of doctors don’t know much about that. Ibs basically means they don’t know what is wrong or how to treat you so it’s down to yourself to try and find out as much as you can. When my calprotecin levels were high it didn’t matter what I ate it went right through me, I was like that for over a year before it started to slow down, I am under gastroenterologist at the moment but don’t hold much hope of getting any help. A lot of gut issues can come from being on antibiotics for to long as they kill all the good bacteria in the gut and the bad bacteria goes out of control. If your GP is not helping keep phoning 111 pester then and go to drop in centres or A&E and hope one day you will find a doctor who will know what to do. But in mean time stop multi vits and start on rice
No I don't mind you asking about my Son yes it was very sudden he got on the bus 2 come home after a gym session it only just pulled off from the bus station and it was outside swindon train station about 500 yards all the 999 people were there trying 2 help even the helicopter was on stand by 7th Dec 2019 and all the emergency people couldn't save him the Coroner said it was ischemic heart disease so 2 policemen knocked at my door 2 tell me CRAP XMAS I was here with his stepdad as his real Dad died in an accident 1997 in devon where I lived until 2000 before re-married that year well that's how OK but he had health problems since 2007 bleed 2 the brain clot stroke that left him epileptic so that was his story Well I won't say anymore on that as I was told by someone on this forum that this is 4 IBS/ Divert-Disease and I don't know who forgot their ID or user name OK because I got bowel problems I would like 2 try and get this sorted out as I am P***D OFF with being a prisoner/hostage 2 the house/toilet 365 days a year now as I would like 2 go out and about ETC So any tips would help me no end and THANK YOU 4 your help
But talking about the bad things that have happened in our lives can help with the stress, and stress is a big trigger for IBS talking is good venting is not venting tends to wind ourselves up more and more making IBS worse just talking help relieve stress. Do you have any family or friends about you to give you support? I am very lucky with my wife she is my rock, my daughter would do whatever I asked her but I encourage her to live her life, I don’t have any friends I have found life less stressful without them because most of my friends only wanted to be friends when it was in their best interest so I waved them goodbye. I used to have a dog but he passed last year we were together 24-7 for the last 8 years after I stopped work, he reached 14 so he did well
sorry for your despair! Probably not the best advice but could you fast 24hrs before going or maybe ask a really close friend to drive you there and back?
How have you been today?
Well I am not 2 clever today I am in nasty pain in and around my bum had 2 take Imodiums as my B.M's has been quite loose but he ho just got 2 get on with it I suppose I bet you are sorry that you asked so the toilet has been my best friend today and now I feel bloated and horrid well what's going on with "HONEY " wars as I don't know if you read the post on that!!!! What can I say on that??? I feel like I have been kicked hard up my bum and like sat on rocks and can't get comfy at all again as with every twinge ETC got 2 sit on the toilet just in case as I am trying hard not 2 poop myself and this bloody cold weather is not helping as I when it's like this I fell like got chills,shivers,poison and venom going right through me and felt like being KILLED or TORTURED from the inside out and this feeling like a big balloon about 2 burst well we got the heating on 2 see if that helps no temp so I just got 2 ride the waves I got a ice cold drink 2 sip on from time 2 time don't like water straight out the tap and that don't help but never mind well at least we got one of those industrial water filter things in our house as in Swindon the water is hard but that one makes it nice and soft well at times I just want 2 curl up and die with it but got 2 carry on 4 my hubby ( even though he doesn't understand!!! ) he wasn't my son's Dad and I got 2 keep battling through as I got my daughter 2 think about as has special needs but lives in special housing I bet you are sorry you asked!! Oh I hope it will settle down ASAP soon as I can't sit stand or walk well look after yourself did you read the post about the "HONEY"?
The only problem with google is the people who don't use it correctly, or at all.
Sounds like you know little of IBS. I think you should read your own words. Described your attitude perfectly.
There are solid reliable web sites like Wikipedia, NHS UK, Mayo clinic, healthline and Davita, it may come as a shock to you that not everything on line is unbelievable. You just have to understand what you are reading and who has uploaded it.
There is none so blind as those who won't see.
Keep your head in the sand if you wish. You obviously don't understand what you are talking about. There is fructose in a huge amount of food including fodmap food. You obviously don't eat food if you are so paranoid about fructose. Get a life
Oh really, wow you can use google. Now you can give all info not just the bit you like.
I noticed you said CAN that is the operative word you originally missed. What about all the positive attributes of honey, or are you disbelieving of them as well, because they also are on google! Then there is the word moderation you haven't mentioned. Need I go on, present the full story not your version.
Fructose is not a fodmap it is in some fodmap foods, both high and low fodmap foods.
Would you have us not doing the fodmap diet!
You are right I don't tolerate fools readily.