Well today I have had my COVID/FLU jabs ( seasonal ) so no more of the of them now until May/ June 2024 thank goodness I had 2 take all sorts of Med's 2 try and prepare 4 it at least that's it 4 a while as the next time I have 2 try and go out will be the Dentist and again that will be another headache 4 me again but it's something else 4 me 2 prepare 4 all was OK I settled down with a cup tea De caf lacto- free milk of 2 and had 2 do a mad dash 2 the toilet and the nasty stuff came out of me like a gushing river as I think it was because I got myself all worked up about going out so I think the same will happen when it's Dentist time as that was the 1st time I been out 4 the last 9/10 weeks but I still had this tightness feeling in my bum and quite scared of it attacking me when I was out but went prepared extra trousers and pants it is worse than being a Baby as yesterday tried starving myself 2 try not 2 have a problem with pooping myself and YES I probably did over think the situation all I can say is that I am relieved that is over & done with as it is bad enough doing it sometimes when indoors and now hubby has retired I can't get any peace as he watches over me like a hawk and if I try 2 get a sleep on the sofa he starts 2 make some kind of noise just as I am trying 2 doze off as he never fully understands at so long as he is made a fuss over him that is all that matters and the same goes 4 his 3 grown up son's when he knows full well I am poorly well take care of yourselves PLEASE and Take care
bungi61: Well today I have had my COVID/FLU jabs... - IBS Network

You sound so unhappy
Yes I am and I know that there are more people in a worse situation than me and sorry 2 go on about it this IBS/Diverticular Disease is beyond me today I keep taking the tablets from the Doctors and bet you are fed up with people like me bleating on about it well it's not much fun 4 us not being able 2 eat or drink what we like as we are scared as 2 what will come out us all the bloody time and the chronic pain and agony we are in as I can't sit stand or walk at times with it as with me forever having 2 keep making a mad dash 2 the toilet and sometimes never getting there in time we were going 2 have new carpets laid but it's not worth it at times not the way I am and I get scared with every twinge I get and these gurgling noises that sounds like a washing machine never being able 2 sit properly as it can feel like sitting on rocks ( piles ) got cream 4 it I bet you are sorry you replied 2 me as I can go on forever about it but nothing changes I even get myself in a right state about it all the time as most of us do on this forum do as I try 2 do as much as I can 2 take my mind of it but when the pain is there 100% of the time it's so hard 2 ignore as we know full well and trying 2 go out appears 2 be Mission Impossible I find it can reduce me 2 tears and that makes things worse I have tried talking 2 a counseller 4 what good that has done me!!!! well I do find this forum a better place 2 vent my fustrations out on as fellow suffers can really understand well that's enough of me going on How are you? as I've only had this for the last 3/4 years so I suppose I am fairly new 2 this I hope you are coping as best as you can with this problem? I am 62 years old but feel a darn sight older as this problem gets us down from time 2 time and husbands or other halves /family and so called friends don't understand and they give up asking us 2 go out as they don't really understand they say they do!!! OH I am on a bad day SORRY 4 going on had covid/flu jab today arm sore as had 2 have both in the same arm ( Breast Cancer 2018 ) well that's it 4 me now look after yourself PLEASE
Have you been tested for diverticulitis? I have it and ibs and what you’re describing sounds more like a flare up of diverticulitis, for which you need a certain type of antibiotic.
Sorry to say this but your husband doesn’t sound like he’s supporting you at all and he really should be!
Yes that was diagnosed when I had my 1st colonoscopy in 2021 when I 6/7 polyps removed the 2 weeks later a further 3/4 removed so no recovery or very little chance any way and since then I have both Divert/Disease & IBS and had 2 have a colon scan early this year 2023 and there was no change SORRY 2 be the bearer of bad news I only got it checked as there was blood in my poop and I got history with Cancer ( Breast ) and before I get told off by some one I know this isn't the Forum 4 that OK well all we can do is pass on tips 4 this nasty stuff take care!!!
Oh no you really have been through tough times. It really is a horrible disease. My mum had it the last few years of her life and there were many days she couldn’t leave the house. Her drs were rubbish and didn’t offer her any support or even suggest that she should have antibiotics! Made her life a misery, and it sounds like you’re struggling the same. I feel for you, I really do. So far I’ve only had short flare ups and been lucky to have dr willing to help.
No he just don't care & 2 be honest there isn't much he can do even worse now as he is retired and was expecting me/us 2 be able 2 do this that and other things and I feel GUILTY enough that we just can't!!! you take care
That’s not good. Even if there isn’t anything he can do he could be supportive and understanding. It’s not like it’s your fault, it’s a medical condition that you have no control over! As for the IBS I’m learning about the foods that trigger it, but it a hard process.though I do feel worth it to actually feel better in the long run, but it does mean that there is so much I can’t eat! However for someone who has had a lifelong issue with food and childhood anorexia etc then food restriction is not such an issue . I do really miss chocolate though!
Have you tried the fodmap diet?
Well done for getting your jabs done. You had no mishaps while you were there. So you should be very proud of yourself. I am the same as you I dread going for appointments. No one really understands unless they get this awful thing too. Take care
Well I was glad 2 get them done I got home sat down with a cuppa then 20 minutes later had 2 make a mad dash 2 the toilet and the bloody nasty stuff came out !!! after my jabs and I thought 2 myself I had it covered but we all know it can attack us at any given time!!! you take care
Hope everything has settled down a bit now and you did not get other side effects from your jabs.