I have recently been diagnosed with ibs, well my doctor has said it’s ibs but I am awaiting further tests. I have been following a gluten free diet for about 2 months now, I have noticed that I am less bloated but that has been the only change. I am wanting to ask, does anyone else get woke up through the night with stomach pain? Sometimes the pain isn’t too bad I can get a hot water bottle and go back to sleep. However sometimes the pain is really excruciating, I’ve actually considered going to a&e when it’s that bad.
Ibs pain: I have recently been diagnosed with... - IBS Network
Ibs pain

Hi, Sometimes I do wake up in the middle of the night, This can be because of what's been eaten the previous day. I suppose it depends on what you have eaten. With me at times it can be vegetables at times. On the rare occasions I can wake up with severe stomach cramps and eventually they do ease off. But all I can say is Keep a food diary and see what food agrees with you and the ones that don't. Then maybe you will know what upsets your stomach at night. But always phone for medical advice if you are suffering. If you want to know anything else just ask me or anyone else on here.
Hi. Yes, I have been woken in the middle of the night with pain. Heat pad and/or a painkiller usually helps. I used to have such severe pain that I went to A&E (they thought I was in labour, as cramping was so severe 😕), but that was 25 years ago and thankfully I do not get it so severe now (change of lifestyle).
I had a period of approximately 2 months of severe pain every night. Went into hospital and was discharged with no real answer. A chance discussion with a nurse about 6 years later and I was referred to a dietician who helped me discover I had lactose intolerance. Worth investigating lactose as apparently it's quite common to be intolerant. Good luck.
Have you been tested for celiac disease, as gluten is a definite NO for that. If not you will have to go back to a gluten diet for a while (which may make you worse and against your instinct) but IF you have already cut out gluten you will get a false negative reading.
I have also been diagnosed by my doctor with IBS and currently awaiting a consultation with the gastroenterology consultant. I have had the runs day and night for 5 months now, which is getting me down; and with that, stomach pains. Whatever I eat or drink goes straight through me.
I have found that taking Kefir 4 days a week stops the runs. Bottle says 2 portions of a 500 ml bottle. And this seems to suit me at present time. I like the cherry one best but have had Strawberry as well. Recently I’ve had to give up potatoes as well as being gluten free. I was also diagnosed with IBS but felt it was more than that & it made a difference for me going gf 4 years ago. The kefir thing is a fairly recent addition. But I’m so glad I found it.
Hi yes I have had nights where I get no sleep at all, not a wink, plus getting woken up is annoying especially if you need to function like a normal person the next day e.g work, kids etc. I too have considered, and been to A and E at the worst times, pointless exercise in my case, feels like you are dying, but you don’t.
new to IBs and still awaiting an official diagnosis (I had a ct last week after a trip to ane). I honestly didn't think it could be this painful and lasting months. The surgeon I saw last week has directed me to the fodmap diet, it's brutal but has good results. You essentially cut loads of difficult to process foods for about 6-8weeks and the slowly reintroduce things one by one, little by little, so you can figure out your triggers. It's depressing doing it but so far I'm a week in and realised I can no longer have oats or banana's which are safe foods on this diet, but I have realised when I have them I'm in agony
I’m experiencing the exact same thing right now. This is night 2 of not being able to sleep due to pain. Currently sat up with a hot water bottle. Luckily found this page and I am relieved I am not the only one as 15 mins ago I thought I would need emergency medical attention too because of the pain. Finding it hard to eat as a few hours after eating when the digestion starts that’s when the griping pain begins in my right side.