I'm having a bad flare up . I was prescribed mebeverine, one of the side effects of that is constipation. I have IBS D , now I'm just constipated . I'd rather go than not go . It makes no sense that the medication has this side effect. I've stopped taking it as of today. Now I have to cancel my shift as I cannot continue if I have a bad stomach pain .There isn't much awareness of this condition it seems . I practically have to beg to go home from work 😩
Constipation : I'm having a bad flare up . I was... - IBS Network

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Jump to repliesNo, you're right, there doesn't seem to be general understanding of IBS. From those who don't have it or don't have a family member with it. Even those who try to understand don't always get it. You get all sorts of reactions, from "have you seen the doctor?" to "It might be all in your head, psychosomatic" And there's the "Oh dear hasn't that gone away yet, and can't you STILL eat... (such and such)?"
I'd say speak to the doctor and see what they suggest. Maybe a phone appointment would be quicker than a visit.
Huh!! If that's possible within the next eight weeks though I hate to sound cynical.
Or I wonder if lowering your dose might help? You do not need to be constipated. That in some ways can be even worse than the D. But just perhaps a slight slowing down of gut transit.
I've never taken mebeverine though and am not a doctor, and really shouldnt advise about medicines. But if it were me, I'd get that pill, crush it, divide the powder up, and take a TINY little bit at first and see how that works. You'd have to experiment to find what works for you, what doesn't help at all, and what's overkill. If it's still bad maybe ditch the idea.
I've had a telephone consultation with the doctor last week, she prescribed mebeverine and peppermint oil capsules. I've managed my IBS without taking anything for a number of years now. It's just as I call it a horrendous flare up . My manager said this morning "when did you start feeding sick" I don't feel sick, I just felt insulted that they have no clue, I'm a care worker, we deal with all sorts of ailments, to not know about IBS is insulting to me . I think I'll ditch the tablets as they don't seem to be working for me . Thank you for your reply . It's nice to not be alone in this
Why do doctors keep prescribing mebeverine? and peppermint? Both of which in my opinion seem to make IBS worse. I took mebeverine years ago and soon found out it made matters worse, I took myself off them. Peppermint, well, I've never had any benefits from it at all, even though it seems to be recommended for IBS, I've no idea why it is. Have you tried Golden Flaxseed? I sprinkle just 1 teaspoon onto my porridge every morning along with various other seeds, the flaxseed tends to help regulate the bowel and it's packed with good things besides. I've been using it for nearly 2 weeks every morning. I've had 2 flare ups during that time but neither have been as bad as they normally are and ice returned to normal much quicker. It's worth a try.
Thank you for your reply . I've taken myself off mebeverine, I find that peppermint oil does seem to help me . I take the capsules and the teas. I have IBS (D) and when I don't have flare ups it's pretty regular . I do agree that mebeverine makes symptoms worse . I will try Golden flaxseed , thank you for yours suggestions , I just can't stand porridge lol . I'll try it on cereal
Stay well x
Forgot to mention probiotics, they really help me and I've tried loads over the years until I found one that suits me.Flaxseed can be used on cereal if you don't like porridge. I can't eat any cereal at all, only porridge which I've had every day for 15 years 😄 it's a good job I like it ! It will say on the packet of flaxseed to use more but I can only seem to have 1 teaspoon, any more and I have too loose BMs. Start off with a small amount and if you can tolerate more, then all well and good.
Seeds are also a good thing and luckily, I can eat them, Chia, Sesame, Pumpkin, Sunflower, completely natural and nutritious.
I used to drink peppermint tea many light years ago to aid with digestion.. Had not had for few years and tried aging a few times recently... It's not been helpful..
Mebeverine is an old fashioned antispasmodic and all it does to me is make me constipated and in even more pain.
Peppermint is a smooth muscle relaxant and so it does help to get rid of wind in the bowel.
I would use a good old glycerin suppository to get the bowel going again. Then just a simple diet of soups for a few days to rest the bowel.
I was told my IBS was in my head in 1996 and I am horrified you are experiencing this lack of knowledge from your employers in this day and age! I lost my job because my employer was unsympathetic. Get a sick note off the GP stating your condition and then your employers should leave you alone. IBS flare ups can last a few weeks so if you don’t get sick pay I would look for another job in the care system where you are respected for what you do.
Hope you feel better soon .
I take milk of magnesia, that always does the trick ,,I normally have IBS (D) and I spoke to my GP because every time I eat I have to go to the bathroom. She prescribed mebeverine. I only took it for a week, my flare up is the worst I've had, I seem to manage without meds for years, she also told me to try probiotics, which I am. My employer on the other hand Is clueless. I was shocked at how many times I had to say I have IBS flare up I can't continue my shift. I feel a strongly worded email needs to be written as I left very upset and insulted by their lack of knowledge. I think I may look for another job, as they simply don't care
Thank you for your reply I appreciate it .
Stay well x
Have you tried any good probiotics to help with the condition? Many people's IBS is due to a gut bacterial imbalance (too many bad bugs dominating and the good ones not keeping them under control). Alflorex which has been scientifically studied for IBS worked best for me. Others get on with Symprove.
I don't know those , I take Actimel probiotic shot , what my GP recommend
Is it worth trying something else since not all probiotics are the same and often it is trial and error? I've tried many probiotics over the years, which have helped to a degree, but I have had the most benefit from Alflorex, which contains the same strain of bacteria that is passed from mother to baby during a natural birth to prime the baby's immune system - it is a particularly strong variety. Others swear by Symprove. Just a thought.
Look up on Google. There are books on ibs. If you continue suffering with constipation. Take laxido it's v. GoodDon't want to frighten you but perhaps you need a poo test to see if all OK in your intestine s. Wish you well.
Probiotics worked for me.
Used Aloe Vera tablets which were ok at first and use buscopan for flare ups .
Yea my doctor said to try probiotics, which I am doing. Eating better but no matter what I eat my stomach just hurts . Buscopan no longer works for me like it used to . I've cut out all foods. Only eating little amounts of food now. I'm sure I've lost half a pound from being on the toilet lol . I appreciate your reply .
Hi. I had the same problem with Mebeverine. After speaking to my GP I was given Fybogel with Mebeverine which is much better. I find Mebeverine helps with the stomach cramps so happy to take it when needed. You can but Fybogel Mebeverine over the counter if you fancy giving it a try. Hope you feel better soon.