Just would like to know if IBS can also cause acid reflux. Have all the symptoms of IBS with flatulence and bloating but am also experiencing acid reflux and gurgling in my upper chest and feel like I need to burp. As my husband and father passed away with stomach cancer am concerned it might be something I should worry about.
IBS and Gerd ?: Just would like to know if IBS... - IBS Network
IBS and Gerd ?

Yes, it can. I was diagnosed with IBS and prescribed omeprazole for acid reflux. After a while it stopped working. Try fresh probiotics. Kefir or unsweetened yogurt can help. Sweetened ones can aggravate symptoms.
Hi, sorry to hear of the passing of both your husband and father from the same illness, I can understand your concern.
Yes, IBS and GERD can be co-morbid, and these two conditions are understood to be linked - however there is no research to say IBS *causes* GERD. Rather it’s currently understood that the same issue might be behind both conditions: poor muscle function of the intestinal tract, where an incoordination of the muscles that line the esophagus, stomach, and intestines can give rise to the symptoms of both IBS and GERD.
I have both IBS and Silent Reflux (LPR), I also have gastropareisis which is caused by muscle motility issues (too slow).
Definitely go get the possible GERD checked out by your GP. PPI medications, diet & lifestyle changes can help relieve symptoms 🙂
I suffer from IBS-C and found that when my constipation is at its worst, this is more likely to lead to acid reflux symptoms. This is because food is hanging around in the system for longer, building up gases and those gases put pressure on the valve that sits between the stomach and throat making it looser, allowing acid from the stomach to flow back. I eat lots of fibre to try to ensure that I go as regularly as possible.
Since this is a new symptom for you, there is no harm in visiting your GP, but yes IBS and GERD can go hand in hand. IBS sufferers can also have poor elimination of gas, so it pools in the system causing a similar problem with the pressure on the valve. Specific food intolerances can also make GERD worse.
In a word IBS (poor fermentation) can cause backup issues…
In order to address the entire process you have to think of what may be happening between swallowing digestion and evacuation.
Poor fermentation usually happens after using antibiotics.. these remove both good and bad bacteria.. but to have good digestion.. you need good bacteria..
Other things can impair normal digestion… overuse of sugar and yeast.. too much carbohydrates..cause fermentation issues.. gas bloating… h.pylori…these will respond quickly to fermented foods.. where sugars have already been burnt off before you eat them .. kimchi sauerkraut.. kefir.. kombucha.. raw ginger .. garlic apple cider vinegar often reduce yeast and sugar reactions inside the gut..
Using a good probiotic after you address the gas and bloating will restore healthy gut flora as long as you take good fibre too .. porridge… oats… bananas … nuts .. cabbage all help rebuild this.
Acid reflux can occur through poor digestion.. I often massage my pyloric valve if I get reflux.. this valve after the stomach often tightens to prevent food in the stomach going on its journey because of issues further down..bile reflux occurs exactly the same with
the next valve iliac.. helped by using a hot water bottle over the tummy or lower abdomen.. helps relax over tight sphincters.
Excessive worry upsets the normal action of the bowel.. in either direction.. learn to relax.. eat slowly and avoid foods that are high in sugar and yeast… hope you find this of help… try a gentle stroll after a meal .. it helps move gas up and food down…best wishes.
same happened to me 2 years ago and has reoccured again now. for me both times i have introduced something supposedly healthy into my diet...Yoghurt... but not my normal brand(contains totally different cultures). a gp pal told me that if you introduce a new probiotic bacteria into a healthy gut it will cause a kind of disbiosis until the "intruder" has passed out of the system or you stay with it until it balances. i didnt introduce the yoghurt because i was unwell but because i wanted to introduce more protein. since then i have had both ibs and reflux. lesson learned to self..... if it isnt broke dont fix it.
Thanks to everyone for the helpful information.