After two years of constantly being told I have got IBS and going to a clinic for pelvic exercises regularly,after much pleading at my health centre i at last, have had an appointment with a colorectal surgeon who gave me a sigmascopy and other various tests, and guess What I have definitely been diagnosed with rectoanal intussusception and rectocele, that translates as my pelvic floor and Colon have collapsed and hanging in my colon effecting my rectrum as well I find it very difficult to defaecate and when I do I suffer for hours with unbearable pain and burning constantly, I now need a serious operation to put this right beforeI I get any relief. I actually shed a tear with shock but I think with relief, I knew over the months it was something more serious than IBS but no GP doctor would listen. Ps I did pay to see a consultant last year who wrote me a letter saying the same thing but my NHS doctor at the time ignored it.
lamly: After two years of constantly being told... - IBS Network

thank goodness you had the determination to persevere! All those knock backs can b so difficult to deal with and fight against, you know your own body. That validation is so important, I hope the operation goes well at least they should all be on your side now , not an uphill battle against them. Wishing you a speedy recovery……Mutley
T, I suffered quite bad with my nerves and depression for quite some months, but have gradually learned to live with the pain, I just hope It will not be to long before my operation, they have asked if I will go on Gabapentin for a short while till things are sorted, I hate taking tablets but if it gets rid of the pain I am happy to go on them, at least I now know what the problem is.
I've been diagnosed with the same, but still waiting to hear from colo rectal surgeon after 5 months! I think I need the same op. Do you have an appointment yet?
I have only just found out what the problem is, it has taken them two years to diagnose what the cause is, I have got a feeling with our NHS it won’t be quick.
At first they told me it was caused by a fibroid pressing on my colon, so I had a hysterectomy 2and a half years ago but things only got worse. They have since discovered the same thing as yourself. I have been in agony for nearly 3 years now and am still waiting to see colorectal surgeon. I actually went to see him privately 2 months ago and he said he would have to look at the results of all the NHS scans and tests,then he would write to me. Still haven't heard a thing
The problem is there are not enough Doctors to go round and a lack of consultants, I myself are wondering how long before they send for me, it could be months, some days I am in agony, I have waited two years to be diagnosed, it gives me no quality of live, and I am getting older, and the NHS seems to be falling apart at the seams.
Good to read that despite what medical doctors told you multiple times in the past you have persevered. Hope you finally after the serious surgery will feel 'normal' again, will have a normal bm. Can also imagine that it must be emotionally overwhelming, in a positive way.
I too persevere in my search for an answer for my symptoms, the underlying ground cause, because my body tells me I should despite what I have been told by the medical doctors till now. Hope I will have a consultation with a gastrointestinal surgeon too. I got my referral by the GP but now it's up to the doctors of the hospital to decide, based on my medical records, if they will invite me for a consult, or not of course 🫰🏻
Update: I received an invitation from the hospital for a consult. 🙂