Had the above one month ago and it was agony. I screamed. Nurse was not sympathetic said i had "low pain threshold" i had a baby with very little pain relief but this was awful. They said have it next time with increased sedation. I am refusing to go ahead. It seems to me looking at the colon gives no information on IBS.
IBS colonoscopy: Had the above one month ago and... - IBS Network
IBS colonoscopy

I think if i was u i would have it done under sedation coz i wander why it hurt u so much? So u need to check it.
As a colonoscopy generally doesn’t hurt, ive had two and nothing, so it would make me question there could inflammation or something.
Thanks. No inflamation, they just want to take a small polyp out. I. Am not going to trust them. It's only a small one.
Yes go for it as it may help u,sometime having something stuck up bum not the pleasantest thing in world ha
You should have the polyp removed so they can biopsy it. I had my first colonoscopy 5 years ago because of ibs- like symptoms. The colonoscopy didn’t diagnose my symptoms but they found and removed a small polyp which was found to be pre cancerous when it was biopsied. Because of this I was put on a five yearly colonoscopy follow up. I recently had my second colonoscopy where they found and removed another small polyp which was also found to be pre cancerous (so I am in the system to have another colonoscopy in 5 years). My consultant told me having follow up colonoscopies is life saving. Not all polyps cause cancer but as I understand it nearly all bowel cancer comes from polyps. Without removing the polyp for biopsy there is no way of telling which the nasty ones are. They take 5 to 10 years to grow into cancer but is it a risk you are willing to take when you could have it removed now?
If you feel the hospital are not doing the procedure without causing pain then maybe try another hospital, or ask them to give you different sedation/ pain relief - different hospitals use different types.
Good luck.
Mine hurt, I was on my knees at one point, my bowel is very long they said, very coiled so when they went round corners It felt like I was being stabbed, horrendous! I had one 4 yrs ago and it wasnt this bad and both times no sedation, I would advise sedation, my colon was clear, so that eased my mind, still have IBS-C, Im on FODMAP diet but still get pains
Did you have painkillers and sedation before hand? I had both and it was very painful, but bearable, and I was awake throughout. I was worried about my endoscopy though (where they put it down your throat) so I asked for lots more sedation, and it totally knocked me out, I don't have memories of that procedure. Perhaps you could ask for much more sedation?
Hi, yes one lot of painkillers to start then Bescopan, then another lot of painkillers. Nothing helped. Thanks
Do you have the option to go somewhere else? Or find the name of who did it previously and request a different clinician? When I had mine last week I was given a pre-test phone call with a nurse and given the dept phone number to call with any questions or concerns. Is any of that available to you to help? Good luck x
I had a very painful colonoscopy earlier this year. I had a bad car accident many years ago and probably had adhesions as a result of that. I have been told it is advisable not to have another colonoscopy. I believe it is possible to have a 'virtual' colonoscopy where you injest a compound that can be seen on scan (this is not a barium swallow or enema) try requesting this?
Reading your thread, like you I had Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy at the same time with sedation. I woke up during in the colonoscopy crying out in pain. They gave me additional sedation and afterwards said I had a very loopy bowel which the doc had some difficulty manoeuvring around. Don't let it put you off as you need the polyp removed and there are other levels of sedation they can offer you including a full general.
Please persevere and discuss your fears with the doctor. Good luck x
Please have it done under full sedation. I had the same experience as you. I was screaming in pain and no sympathy and they did not stop like I asked so I could just try and compose myself and then let them try again. They hardly got anywhere at all. Next time I had full sedation, I knew nothing of the process apart from when I first went it I was chatting away, they put some stuff in my arm and I chatted a bit more. Then I got asked to lay on my side and I saw a woman and I said will you be there the whole time, yes she said, oh ok that’s good I replied. Next thing I am in recovery and someone says don’t worry it’s just an oxygen mask you just relax😁 all done and no pain what so ever! You need full sedation though
Thanks for your reply. I'm not having another colonascopy because it was traumatic, but when i see the consuktant next week i shall tell him of this website and mention that most of us IBS sufferers have extreme pain. Perhaps then they will give enhanced sedation FIRST time round and we do not have to scour our insides a second time! All good wishes.