I hope everyone is OK in the IBS club I am just checking in on as many of you as I possibly can be having this nasty stuff that we go through I am not 2 clever today but that's the way things are!!! I am not going 2 say very much as I am off 2 bed ASAP as my hubby is getting on my nerves and he can make things worse 4 me when he doesn't really try 2 understand will try and tell you about it in more detail tomorrow as I am only 62 years old and had a eye test now and been told I have Macular Degeneration so I may not be able 2 see what I am trying 2 eat let alone what Medication I am trying 2 take 4 it and I now have these awful noises in my head titanus and they are making me dizzy Oh well never mind!!! you all look after yourselves it never rains but pours I think I could be falling apart it would be easier 2 tell what is OK with me and this Diverticular Disease ETC well take care!!!
bungi61: I hope everyone is OK in the IBS club I... - IBS Network

Sorry to hear you are still having problems.
I guess you mean tinnitus, can be associated with HBP. From my experience when I get distracted with work the tinnitus disappears, but generally comes back when I try to relax. Eventually it doesn't have the same intensity as you become more used to it. I started out banging my head against a wall, just gave me a sore head and still tinnitus!
My mother-in-law is legally blind for the same reason. There are aids available to help, she has a gizmo she can talk to which connects to internet and will carry out some commands for her. Like reading oral books, turning on radio stations, dialing out phone numbers, compiling a shopping list, controlling her TV and sound levels and even remind her of appointments.
If you want I can find out what it is as it is a world wide item and made a huge difference to her life.
For her regular meds she has them blister packed which helps as long a the blister pack does not have a white backing. With the white backing she was missing the white pills that occasionally stuck to the backing, it is now light blue. She has no blue pills.
Surely there is help available through the NHS to administer your meds.
Oh poor you. You sound just like me. 63 and my hubby, comes out with helpful re.arks like Deal with it, or stop attention seeking, stop moaning or even Man up!! I have celiac disease, IBS fibromyalgia BAM and osteoarthritis. My Mum had macula degeneration too, but it was a very slow decline and she could still manage most things on her own until about mid eighty. I have tinnitus from working in a noisy factory in my late teens. My ears have ringing every day of my life since. In your case it .ay be to do with brain fog or the effect of an off day. My hubby has his head in the sand and is always arranging things for us to do, that he should know by now that I simply can't keep up with him, he involves our friends (his friends) and so I am backed into a corner by them too. They say we'll look after you. They mean we'll but as you know they don't understand. Hope you feel better soon. We ca n only do what we can when we can.
Yes, tinnitus is a big problem for me too. I got it after a dental visit with the very loud drilling through a porcelain crown for a root canal. It bothers me most when I lie down for a nap. High pitched. For some reason, thankfully, it doesn't usually start up when I go to bed. If it does start it doesn't keep me from falling asleep at bedtime. However, it's present a lot during the day.
I have myalgic encephalitis (CFS) as well as the IBS. For the former, I've many food restrictions including nightshade sensitivity. No tomatoes or potatoes for me. Also, no gluten since the 90s when I tested positive.
Unhappily, I was diagnosed with pre-macular degeneration a few years back. But a year later, seeing a new doc, was told there was no evidence of it. So, who knows what my status is now.
I hope yours might be the same. ❤️
Why is it when we aren't feeling well, we, or at least myself, doesn't get any compassion or help, yet when he gets the sniffles, you would think he was dying. I am dealing with diverticulitis and IBS right now, so I'm not feeling too well, and then to top it off, the antibiotics have me diarrhea, which I have to be really careful with because of 2 nasty bouts of c-diff. Anyway, feel better...I too have that horrible ringing in my ears but when I'm busy with work, I don't hear it at all, it's only when it's quiet at night that I will notice it, and it has lessened quite a bit too.
I have only just checked my e-mails I would of replied sooner I am afraid that when these " MEN FOLK" get poorly they make a meal of it as before all this IBS/Diverticular Diease I had Breast Cancer lump removed and armpit checked 6 rounds of chemo followed by 15 radio 2018 my son died without warning 2019 7th Dec ( not his son ) funeral 30th Dec 2019 just as my hair was growing back then lock down happened so was indoors 4 that following year apart from medical things ETC only then early 2021 blood in my poop 2 colonoscopies 1st 6/7 polyps removed 2nd 4/5 more taken out and and been right since early part of this year after another scare FIT test again NO CANCER again left now with bowel problems and now got macular degeneration of my eyes head noises P***D off yet he banged his side on top of the stairs and I had 2 tell him to take paracetamols and he is 69 years old not 69 months old just like having a self opinoinated child and men can't think 4 themselves so that's my rant about it 4 me today sorry about my spelling mistakes!!!!! so take write 2 you again if that is OK