had liver today and black pudding , and for some reason I started getting cramps then I had to rush to the toilet, i had diarrhoea and it seemed like it was very dark brown , can anyone tell me if eating liver and black pudding can make your stools be dark in colour as I’m a little worried , without sounding horrible my bottom is on fire after having this episode thanks
liver and black pudding : had liver today and... - IBS Network
liver and black pudding

Liver certainly, it is high in iron and a rich food, the likely cause of the diarrhea. Liver is good for us but I usually have it in moderation.
I also cook it with bacon and onion a little flower, Stip it or dice it, toss the contents in the flower to coat, cook and add water to make a gravy with it. Usually have it with or on buttered bread or toast. If you prefer, salt can be added, I'm salt free but a small dollop of marmite or vegemite will flavour it if you prefer.
I love liver and black pudding if I can find a wheat free version. They are both very rich in terms of nutrition and fat, so this maybe what caused your sudden attack of the trots. Perhaps eat them separately next time? Have you been tested for Bile Acid Malabsorption?
I think it would have been the black pudding that sent you rushing to the toilet, black pudding has all different ingredients in it depending where it was made, most have garlic and onion wheat or barley etc, I think you will find it was your body just getting rid of the black pudding,( fast transit ) so the black pudding came out pretty much the same as it went in,
I don't eat black pudding, as a southerner, I grew up not knowing what is even was. Think it's a more northern town thing. I can't eat liver either, that's annoying because it's a good food, full of iron. Maybe OK if cooked yourself like mother used to do in the seventies. Ready made liver and bacon meals are vicious , mainly the gravy is processed rubbish. I can eat a steak and kidney pie, but again it's actually very expensive to make your own pie because ingredients cost much more than a shop bought pie worth. Lamb chops are nice, but bland unless you flavour it, or a touch of onion which of course complicates things
I love black pudding but I get the same reaction. There is a lot of pepper in it which seems to trigger it. As for the colour, black pudding is made with blood