I'm still struggling to discover what causes my symptoms. I have less pain since I went low fibre, but now have much more bloating. I've started drinking Rooibos tea, can that be the problem - does anyone else have a problem with this tea? Also, my dietitian said I could go onto regular milk, but she now says the bloating is caused by this. So I changed to soy protein beverage. I had ab. pains from 2 am on today, so now will go back to lactose free milk. I drank Fennel tea this morning but it didn't help. I guess I'll cut out the Rooibos tea, too.
I've been making rice pudding, with either LF milk, or, as yesterday, with Soy beverage, as I love it and it is filling. My diet is complicated by the fact that I have quite a few allergies to fruits, so am limited to what I can eat. Sugars seem to not suit me either,so I can't take in calories that way. Help!