Just after a bit of advice. I’ve had IBS for a number of years and a couple of years ago I stopped eating gluten it helped a lot but the last 6 months ir so I’ve been having some urgency and loose stools not diarrhoea thankfully. I have been reading about Alflorex and thinking of getting some is anyone taking this just wondering if it might help me. Thank you.
Alflorex : Just after a bit of advice. I’ve had... - IBS Network

I have been taking Alflorex to try to improve my intestinal flora as it's always low on healthy bacteria. But it doesn't seem to be making any difference. I can't say if it will help with bowel movements but healthy gut/bacteria and the bowel are connected I think. It won't do any harm for you to try for a month which is just one packet. I'm going to try other probiotics.
Good morning, I have been on this about a week, haven't noticed any improvements but I think I would probably need to be on it a while. I do know of people that have beeb greatly helped by the H&B probotics, so that is what I will be using next for the next four months and see if there is any noticeable improvement
I tried it for 3 months but to be honest it was no different to other probiotics which cost a lot less than Alflorex does. I definitely did not see any improvement but one thing I have noticed is that you have to keep changing probiotics to gain any benefit from them.
I have been taking Alflorex for a long time now. I have tried many probiotics over the years and it is the one that has worked best for me plus there is real science behind it in terms of helping people with IBS (particularly if related to a gut bacterial imbalance). I swear by it. Everyone is different though so it is down to a trial.
I've just noticed your post, are you still taking Alflorex? I have IBS D and thought I'd give the chewable tablets a try, I've only been using them for about a week but think they may be giving me constipation. I've decided to continue with them but cutting back to only taking one every second day. It's too early to say whether they're working for me, but they seem to have made a slight difference. The one downside I've noticed is mild discomfort as a result.
Yes. I take the original version daily which is a capsule, rather than the chewables. Usually a trial is 3 months. I prefer the original version since it doesn't have artificial sweetners, so not sure if they may be affecting you (hard to say). I find that they help my IBS-C but may be too early to tell in your case.
Hi 😊, I opted for the chewables because I'm not good at swallowing tablets, but you're right, they're quite sweet. I'll keep going with them for a month or two and see how it goes. Amazon are the cheapest at £4.50 for 30 compared to the well-known High Street chemist who are selling them at £25.50 for exactly the same item. Good luck 👍
That's a great price. Though I do wonder about the validity of products on Amazon that are that cheap and are offered by someone else other than the manufacturer. Even the 'Precision Biotics Store' link takes you to products that are offered by a variety of sellers. Up to you, but I'd probably pop a note to Precision Biotics, who make Alflorex, just to verify that the seller 'SM WAREHOUSE' on Amazon in this case is one of their legitamate retailers.
Hi, I have been taking Alflorex for 11 weeks now, some days I feel they are helping other days not too sure. I do not have a Gallbladder so this causes me more problems. I have been researching digestive enzymes for people without a Gallbladder and have been taking these alongside the Alflorex.
While I have been researching I have read that it is sometimes beneficial to take a probiotic at bedtime instead of at breakfast time as I am currently doing
I was just wondering what your thoughts were.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I seem to have tried so much over the last 22yrs.
Thank you once again
This is the guidance I've gathered regarding the best time to take probiotics:
It states that from studies they are best taken within 30 minutes of a fat containing meal. This suggests that taking probiotics at bedtime would not be as effective as taking it prior to a meal. Fats in a meal can relate to fats from foods that contain fats such as nuts, seeds or milk.
Hi, I'm just reading this and will go onto the website you suggested. The information leaflet in the Alflorex box says they can be taken at anytime of the day, with or between meals. I think I had been taking them around 10 at night, but I mainly have the Actimel drink with my breakfast. Many thanks, I'll check out the IBS researcher website.
I had ibs most of my adult life. Tried various things including Fodmap diet probiotics etc. Then went 100% Gluten free and hey ho things improved significantly. But still had a few problems, had a blood test for cross reactive foods and found dairy to be a big problem. So went dairy free too. This is a very restrictive diet and is difficult to be motivated all the time, but I did and still am!
Nearly 3 years on and my digestive health is good, so no medication, just wish I had sought out the nutritional therapist years ago.
We are all different but for me a life time of thinking and worrying maybe onions, maybe too much fibre etc. If only I had known sooner. Investing in knowledge and then the determination to carry outcomes through is a no brainer for me.
Good luck with your search for answers.
Hi, I've just done a search on posts and noticed your reply. Are you still taking Alflorex, did it do you any good? I'm taking the chewable tablets but finding it's slightly binding me in as much I feel as if I need to go to the loo then the notion goes. I've only used them for a week, but will keep going to see what happens. But at the moment I'm thinking they might be making me constipated.
I have to admit I bought a months supply but have only just started taking them they don’t seem to have made any difference yet. My biggest problem is urgency and I still have that. I am thinking maybe you have to take them first a while to see. Will let you know how I get on.
Hi, thank you😊 I'm sure I read it can take up to a month for any change to happen. My IBS D is stress -related and if I've got nothing else going on to get me stressed, either family coming for days or going away from home, I'm ok just pottering around the house and garden. I can have normal loo visits for a couple of weeks then something coming up triggers the stress and that sets me off. Recently I had a bad day when first loo visit was normal, then every 40 mins or so after that just deteriorated to bad diarrhoea. After four trips I'm drained and need to stay in bed all day to recover. Let me know how you get on, IBS is an awful condition that affects so many people in so many different ways. Take care.