Has anybody tried Alflorex probiotics. My consultant recommended them. I’ve been on them for a month but they are £25 for 30 tablets. Wondered if anyone has tried them & if they have worked for them.
Alflorex: Has anybody tried Alflorex probiotics... - IBS Network

Hi, I'm trying this probiotic at the moment, started last Friday, the 13th of August so a bit early to tell if they work for me. healthunlocked.com/theibsne...
Alflorex didn’t suit me. Went on to Optibac and they have been great. Unfortunately it’s trial and error. What suits one person has no effect or makes IBS worse in another.Hope it works for you.
There are a lot of posts on the forum on Alflorex. For example this one healthunlocked.com/theibsne...
I still take this. After doing the 12 weeks I was so much better I continued with it. I would only take things that have been hospital tested. And at the time this was one of the only ones recommended by NHS. It’s easy to take but has said before, not all things work for all people. Good luck.
I’ve been taking them for a couple of months. Definitely better and also my acid reflux hasn’t recurred.
Didn't either for med
My consultant suggested a couple of expensive probiotics. They didn't work for me but my case is more complicated than most. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for you to see a difference. Its so expensive so a little disheartening when you have to change.
Didn't work for me. But my IBS is very much stress related so nothing works when I get very stressed or upset about something. So now I just get a cheap one from my Health shop called Viridian Daily £8.99 for 1 month supply and 25p back when I return the glass jar at the end of the month.
I used them and found them very good but expensive. I have been put on Resolor by my doctor for 3 months after completing all the allergy testing (they found nothing) to speed up the transit time. I also am taking magnesium every night as recommended in the "the bloated belly whisper".
Probiotics are always hit and miss. I suffer from IBS c. Alflorex always seems to work for me for about 3-4months then they stop working and I need to take a break for the remainder of the year and give it another go!
Interesting. I had IBS-D before taking Alflorex which, after a few months, changed it to IBS-C. I preferred the latter, but decided to reduce the dose to see if I could get a happy compromise, but the manufacturers don’t recommend that and I found I would get sudden reversals. I had been considering taking a reduced dose + another probiotic, but instead I’ve ordered some of the new version of Alflorex which includes calcium as a prebiotic. Will report back if that is any better, but it’s all a bit trial & error.
Please do report back.
It's so strange how a probiotic can work for one and not the other person. Demonstrates the complexity of IBS.
😂😂😂😂 I love how anyone with D would prefer C and vice versa!!!! My friend and my housemate both have D and have always said they would rather that than C, but my uncle said he would much prefer C!!! I would much rather D, but hey can't have everything 😂😂😂😂
Hi sorry they didn't work for me and made me rather poorly. I had to give in after 3 weeks of constant pain and the runs. But they do work for some people, so fingers crossed xx
I do one month on and one month off as they are so pricey. This works for me but I don’t know if they would still work if I stopped taking a dessert spoon of sauerkraut before every meal. Con amore Bx
They work for me to stop bloating, which helps a lot. I buy them under their new beginnings plan of buy 2 get one free. Still expensive but 3 months for £50.
Did try it but not helpful for me. The probiotic bacillus coagulans is a better option for me, till now. 🤞🏻
My personal trial: