I’ve suffered from ibs for years and have been well controlled. Have never needed to do FODMAP as yet as know triggers. Anyway I’ve had the worst flare ever in last 5 days and no improvement. Constant diarrhoea. Everything just going straight through. Imodium helps but I need to start trying to eat something I just have no idea now what to try?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
best foods to eat after ibs d flare - IBS Network
best foods to eat after ibs d flare

When I have a flare up I usually eat toast ( white bread), crackers or biscuits.And I avoid fruit for a bit.Hope this helps.good luck
I feel for you Sarah, that is horrible, I'm a bit like Blue_Dahlia below, anything like white bread, crackers or biscuits, it feels very bland and alkaline and just gets me back up and running again. Long term I eat an alkaline diet and that has really helped, so far anyway.
Try eggs or cheese
Plain white jasmine rice with some form of easily digested protein initially. These will be digested in your small intestine with no residue going to the colon to give your bowels a rest. Then continue with the same, but add in some easily digested vegetables such as cooked carrots. Gradually move towards your normal diet as things settle.
the BRAT diet is supposed to be the one to follow being for Bananas Rice Apple and Toast.. personally I always stick to toast and egg with a fish finger thrown in for good measure usually works settle my stomach xx
Hi, like you I have had a really bad flare up for almost 2 weeks now, just started suddenly and dosnt know when to stop. I am going during the night aswell as in the day so I am feeling tired and weak at the moment...even toast and other bland foods make no difference I am like you I just dont know what to try next. I hate this IBSD when it flares up and you dont know the caurse of it.
My bowels are always a lot loser, with diarrhoea, at this time. I think the hot weather aggravates it.
The most important thing is to drink fluids. Perhaps something from the chemist to replace lost salt, sugar etc. I just have toast, crackers and black tea. I hope you get better soon
Hope you get better soon. I dont have any tips or suggestions. I just got diagnosed. Wishing you well.
We are all so different with foods we can eat and which help.So what I suggest as these foods help me, might be all wrong for you.
I have had some bad flare ups too, and when I can eat, these are the only foods I can eat:
Hard boiled eggs, baked or steamed white fish (cod, haddock, coley, hake etc.) white basmati rice, spinach and green beans well steamed, and a very small amount, ciabatta toast with a little butter, honey, plain sponge cake, and bizarrely, a little chocolate which doesn't make me worse at all.
I can drink loose leaf tea with no milk, and mineral water. Coffee can upset me at those times
Sometimes bananas are recommended but I can't eat those as they make me "go". I basically can't eat any fruit at those times. The only seasoning I can use is salt.
I've always been told 'eat white food' so I stick with white toast, eggs, plain white rice when I feel up to making it, and potatoes, and drink lots of water. I was also told to never miss meals, which I doubt you feel much like doing right now! It's not too healthy, but it doesn't make things 'worse' so there's that. Sending much sympathy and hope it gets better soon!