Hi All, I have suffered with IBS for over twenty years. Just over 12 months ago I had my gallbladder removed. Prior to that I had the worst 12 months ever with chronic upper gastric pain etc to do with the gallstones. I went on a low fat diet and it helped a lot. Since then I have been eating reasonably normally ( not low fat) which was going ok until about 3 weeks ago. I then started to have really bad lower stomach cramps and about ten minutes after I had eaten anything I had to rush to the loo. Horrible cramps, sweating feeling sick and horrible smelly frothy , floating poops. I was at the end of my tether not wanting to eat or leave the house. I then googled my symptoms and from what I have read it sounds like my body doesn't like fat and isn't digesting it properly. I stopped eating all fats again and now 4 days later I am feeling much better. Stopped dashing to the loo as soon as I eat and cramps are less each day. I have to say I didn't eat huge amounts of fat before but now I have cut it out as much as possible. No chips, crisps , chocolate or fatty meats. Mainly chicken and veg or turkey or lean pork with potatoes or couscous or rice. Just thought I would share my experience as it might help someone else.
IBS and fatty foods: Hi All, I have suffered... - IBS Network
IBS and fatty foods

Hi SueMount
While you were eating fats were your stools dark, almost black, or every 'oily' in appearance?
I had SIBO & IBS which is now thankfully cured but I am also now being investigated for pancreatic insufficiency which maybe predates the IBS or is a consequence of the problem.
In my case I may not make enough Lipase which help break down fats and essential fatty acids absorption. This may also be contributing to inadequate absorption of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K. I am awaiting the results of vitamin and faecal elastase tests. In the short-term I have been taking a prescription strength enzyme combo which has helped no end.
I know it is easy to for us to fit our symptoms to others but these are simple tests which are available on the NHS so it might be worth a try...
Good luck!

Hi No they were quite yellow, frothy/ fluffy looking and floating . They were quite greasy. Terrible stomach cramps too.
Have you been tested for BAM (bile acid malabsorption) sounds like this to me but I’m not a dr. Google it, it’s very interesting.

No I am going to read up on it and speak to doctors
Again, sounds like Bile Acid Diarrhoea. One of the triggers is having gall bladder surgery. Easily treated with bile acid sequestrants.
I will speak to my doctor . Thank you . Hopefully can get it sorted
Yes...ask your doctor to prescribe one of these 3 meds: Welchol, Colestipol, and/or Questran. I take 4 tablets of Colestipol a day...saved my bacon! I no longer have to stay in the house and close to the pot! I, too, had to have my gall bladder out...very common to develop bile acid malabsorption.....
You may have to take some info from bad-uk.org. Not all GPs will have heard of the condition. Good luck.
Okay thank you. I will check it out. My doctors haven't been great on the subject of IBS so far. Its not going to kill you so you just have to live with it attitude.
I know there are more developments & research going on now which can only be a good thing. But I have suffered with IBS since the late 90,s and no one was interested then because they had no idea.
Hello, I agree it sounds like a Bile acid issue. Excess fats trigger the release of a digestive hormone that makes your gut motility "bolt". You can get digestive enzyme pills - plant based natural enzymes that help you digest fats and all foods. These really help with "heavy" meals. You want something with a "lipase" which most multi-enzyme tablets have anyway. I use Lifeplan Digestive Enzymes when I am suffering, but there are other similar ones, like the multi-enzymes from Holland and Barrett for example which are very good.

Hi, if you need help and support with your IBS please get in touch theibsnetwork.org
Any exclusion diet should be undertaken with the supervision of a registered dietitian.
Have you tried keeping a health and wellness diary to record what you are eating and how you are feeling? This may help you better understand your IBS triggers.
I will take a look at website Thank you.