Severe flare up: Hi all I was diagnosed with... - IBS Network

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Severe flare up

Ezz25 profile image
15 Replies

Hi all

I was diagnosed with IBS last year after blood tests and a stool sample. Since then I’ve not really had any further advice and have continued to live with frequent loose bowel movements. However over the last week I have had extremely watery loose stools that have been so frequent I have been going over 20/30 times a day! I’ve tried to take Imodium at the start of the week but once this wears off the awful diarrhoea starts again. I’ve been to the doctors today and he’s done another blood test and thinks this could be a severe flare up. How do you cope if you flare up this badly and how long can it last? I’ve not been able to go to work but I can’t continue to not go as I won’t be able to afford so much time off! Is Imodium something that can be taken longer term? I’m still very new to all of this so any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

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Ezz25 profile image
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15 Replies
xjrs profile image

Sorry to hear that you've not been given any guidance.

I would try things in this order:

1. Try Alflorex probiotic for 3 months. This has been scientifically studied for IBS. Many people's IBS can be due to a gut bacterial imbalance.

2. If probiotics for 3 months gradually makes your symptoms worse, discuss the possibility of SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) with your GP. This is a different and much rarer condition than IBS. It has a set list of causes and if you don't have one of the causes, you won't have it. Since it is rare, it is unlikely to be this, though possible.

3. If Alflorex doesn't help enough, ask your GP for a referral to a dietitian to take you through the FODMAP elimination and reintroduction diet. FODMAPs are good for you so you want to eat as many as possible.

4. Failing all of the above, ask for a test for BAM (bile acid malabsorption). Again a different condition to IBS with similar symptoms.

During all of this, aim to eat as wide a variety of diet as you are able. This creates bacterial diversity in the gut which guards against IBS symptoms. The best diet for IBS is the Mediterranean diet. Also try the Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy app to help calm intestinal nerves.

By the way, it is possible to take Imodium longer term, but obviously best to try to work on getting symptoms under control.

Ezz25 profile image
Ezz25 in reply to xjrs

Thank you so much for your reply and this information this is so helpful! I will look into following these steps for some relief! Thank you so much again!

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply to Ezz25

Hi, very good advice from xjrs as usual. Below is an explanation of BAM (Bile Acid Malabsorption) from the GUTS UK! site.

All the best, Maureen.

Ezz25 profile image
Ezz25 in reply to Maureen1958

Hiya! Thank you for the link its all helpful to try and control my symptoms!

All the best to you too :).

Azumi profile image

Hi, I used Alflorex for 9 months, FODMAP diet, no gluten and lactose (I have intolerance) I've started introduce some FODMAP food, now I'm 4 months without loose bowel movement like was before many times a day and have to run to the toilet. It is worth trying it. Good luck 😉

Ezz25 profile image
Ezz25 in reply to Azumi

I will definitely invest in some Alflorex I’ve been reading up on it this morning and looks promising along with considering a FODMAP diet. I know a few foods which do definitely flare me up so have been avoiding these! Thank you 😊

Azumi profile image

There is an app FODMAP. It is easy to search foods you should avoid. 😉

JayceeJC profile image

good afternoon.

I use Imodium or it’s normal name of Loperamide regularly as I too suffer from very heavy bouts of diarrhoea through my IBS. It’s a debilitating disease that a lot of people don’t always understand. Depending on my social calendar I will take at least 1 tablet everyday, I’ve had no side effects but peace of mind. It’s such a relieve to go out. Because I am a frequent user I actually get Loperamide on a 2 monthly prescription. I am over 60 so don’t pay but it may be worth asking your GP to prescribe. You will find that you can get on with your life. GOOD LUCK 🤞.

Ezz25 profile image
Ezz25 in reply to JayceeJC

It’s something quite recent that I have tried but it has definitely given me relief on days when I do not have easy access to a toilet and I’m flaring up it’s going to become an essential for the handbag for peace of mind! Thank you for your reply! 😊

Luisa22 profile image

Maybe you could discuss Immodium (Loperamide) with the doctor, and ask about a maintenance dose, and what would be recommended for that. Not enough to block you up and make you constipated, but enough to slow things down so that water gets chance to be absorbed in the colon.

Everyone is different, so for some people that could be 1/2 a tablet a day, or 2 tablets a day...etc. It depends how your individual gut responds and you might need to experiment to find a happy medium. But ask the doc.?

Apop profile image
Apop in reply to Luisa22

When I took Immodium for a few days, it did block me up. I mentioned in passing to a nurse that I had stitch like pains in my sides and to cut a long story short I ended up in A and E. They found I had faecal impaction and treated me accordingly (I can't remember what loosening agent I was given, as. It happened about five years ago.)

Misspomfrey profile image


I agree mostly with xjrs, a probiotic is essential I think and as much variety of healthy foods in your diet. Fibre is a must, but it has to be the right fibre to suit you.

I have had IBS for 15 years. Tried all sorts, but I've come to the conclusion that diet, exercise, anxiety control and a healthy general lifestyle is the key.

A few months ago I was getting symptoms of loose stools every day for weeks. Not unusual, but to last so long was unusual for me, normally lasts a few days but this went on for weeks. Worrying it was something sinister made it worse. I made a few changes and increased fibre slowly in my diet, not too much at one time, smaller meals, changed my probiotic to one that suits better, and, I started to take Milk Thistle every day. I drink loads of water and I never eat meat. I had my gall bladder removed 43 years ago. Since making these changes and constantly assessing diet etc, never get lax about it, keep on top of things all the time, I have improved enormously, my bowel movements are practically normal and regular every day, apart from the odd blip. I'm no longer worrying as much about going out for long walks which I love to do, where there no toilets. I feel tons better, no bloating to speak of. This might not last, but for now, I'm making the most if it. My only conclusion here, is that the new probiotics and milk thistle are agreeing with me.

It won't do any harm to try it. At first, I noticed no difference with milk thistle, but after a couple of weeks, the change is apparent.

I hope you can find ways of dealing with this that suit you, as it is a personal thing and should be treated as such.

Ezz25 profile image
Ezz25 in reply to Misspomfrey

Thank you for your reply! It’s definitely going to be a lot of trial and errors to find what works for my body! I’ve just tried swimming for some exercise and anxiety relief, I really enjoyed it so I’m going to go a few times a week to keep up some more exercise and it really is very calming for me :) I’m happy to hear you’ve found things that have worked for you!

Linedanceing profile image

I'm on alflorx and I take Imodium 1 after first bowel movement and make sure you eat bulk food like banana ect, it's ok to take Imodium everyday not 4 if your very loose try maybe 1and a half or 2 they don't stop you going altogether they slow the timing down see what is right for you, good luck 🤞

Ezz25 profile image
Ezz25 in reply to Linedanceing

Thank you for letting me know! 😊

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