Does anyone have severe (Grade 3 or 4) interna... - IBS Network

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Does anyone have severe (Grade 3 or 4) internal prolapsed and thrombosed hemorrhoids and told you need a hemmoroidectomy?

Eliana5 profile image
25 Replies

Sorry for the sensitivity of the subject..but can anyone relate? They say that one in three people develop hemorrhoids especially as one ages and they grow more severe. I want mine done with a laser as it is not such a painful long recovery. I'm also afraid of incontinence and long term recovery. Since mine are severe a grade 3 or 4 ..I think ..I have been told different things. One surgeon was rude during the initial interview process saying there was nothing she could do. Another proctologist said I needed rubber band ligation but that was 8 years ago and another said a complete hemorrhoidectomy. Yikes. I see a surgeon for this in April but I am somewhat frightened..

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Eliana5 profile image
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25 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

It is scary, but very good that you are getting multiple opinions. xx

janetmtt profile image

rubber band treatment waste of time had mine done an came back

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to janetmtt

That's what I have heard..that they come back in about 60 percent of people. They might say due to being a grade 3 or 4 that is my only choice. I won't have the ligation (rubber band treatment). I wish they could just do a injection coagulation instead of the rubber band or complete hemorrhoidectomy..I'm sorry yours came back..are you going to try something else?

janetmtt profile image
janetmtt in reply to Eliana5

just use suppositries and cream. Mine bleed. The rubber band treatment was awful

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to janetmtt

Unfortunately suppositories aren't strong enough for me. Neither are the fleet enemas they have over the counter. Thanks for the suggestion. Have a blessed week..

janetmtt profile image
janetmtt in reply to Eliana5

Some weeks better than others a lot depends on if I am struggling to go to the loo -I have to take senokot which works for me. Seriously this and my bladder issue is the pain of my life -dare not take my eye off the ball. Have you looked into working with a homeopath for this - they can help haemmeroids

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to janetmtt

Thank you for writing back! Insurance won't pay..

Poppycat999 profile image

Hi l have a prolaspe not grade 3 or 4 but it affects my life alot. I cant stand for too long without feeling uncomfortable afterwards. I take cosmocol or movicol sachets one a day with my main meal. They have an ingredient called macrogol think l spelt it right. It adds water to your stools making them softer so easier to pass try it instead. The sachets are gentle on your stomach and l can eat anything l want without getting constipated. I also use a kegel8 ultra every day. Dont really know if l do the hold/squeeze correctly but l am trying.

Do you know what has prolasped apparently bladder uterus and bowel can all come down. I'd be ok if l could walk everywhere on my hands😁

All the best to you.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Poppycat999

I'm trying not to take laxatives a lot.. because they say it can actually make the pelvic floor weaker. helps the constipation but laxative are bad for hemorrhoids and even stool softeners. So what are we do do? Suffer with constipation instead? It's all so confusing and I have seen just about every colon and rectal Doctor and gastro and I just get dismissed. Movical (Miralax) doesn't work for me. All that works is Senna and if I am lucky stool softeners combined with strong black coffee or the Starbucks coffee in bottles (frappes) you can buy in bottles at Grocery stores. I have found that putting Stevia natural sweetener (not artificial) in coffee works well too. Kegel exercises did poorly for me as does "squatty potty's". I am on a low fiber diet because increased fiber only "bulk's" up my stool making it harder to push out adding to more straining and more hemorrhoids. Have you been told you need surgery? Especially if you have a prolapsed uterus, bladder etc..I probably have it too..

Poppycat999 profile image
Poppycat999 in reply to Eliana5

I have been told not bad enough for surgery. They only examine me lying down!! It's when l walk for a while l become uncomfortable. I even had a gynecologist say l cant examine you standing up as my knees hurt!! I think if your womb is hanging out you get surgery. I have a pessary ring that they will only renew after 10 years wear. Its discoloured but apparently that doesn't matter. The packet it came in said 5 years lifetime. They ignore the manufacturers recommended expiry date.

Poppycat999 profile image

Maybe l have misread your message didn't know piles could be called prolapsed

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Poppycat999

Yes.. internal hemorrhoids that come out of your anus are called prolapsed. They can also develop life threatening blood clots if left untreated or strangulation. If you have grade 2 or 3 you can gently push it back in your rectum. Unfortunately mine are too severe. External hemorrhoids are prolapsed as well. They can do surgery on each. The external ones are where you see the bright red blood and can bleed a lot. I honestly don't know what to do..

Barnclown profile image
Barnclown in reply to Eliana5

glad you posted Eliana, although am very sorry any of us have to live with this. I’m 70 this year & my version of severe piles statred when I was a girl (I have a connective tissue illness called hypermobile Ehlers Danlos which can predispose us to all sorts of childhood onset vascular + other probs including slow transit dysmotility). I had my prolapsing piles diagnosed when I was a teen.

I managed them until my late 20s via high fibre diet & various piles topicals, but they became so fantastically painful by my mid 20s that there were times I couldn’t go to work. So my gp sent me to colorectal where I was told mine were strangulating…which meant urgent full on haemorrhoidectomy. This was back in the 1980s when doctors were even worse at communicating with patients re risks & benefits of everything. But really I had no choice, so the op went forward & the results were very good.

About 6 years ago colorectal did a sigmoidoscopy & found I still have internal piles, but these do not bleed or prolapse. So I just follow the treatment regime gastroenterology has me on for the severe slow transit dysmotility & hope for the best

re side effects of the op: initial recovery was absolute agony at every evacuati9n for some time, maybe 10 days….& my pelvic floor has been affected, but nhs bowel & bladder physio services have helped a lot with excercise etc. Also the op left me with quite a large anal tag, which becomes inflamed when irritated by anything eg colonoscopy bowel cleanses.

Back when I had only just recovered from the op, a friend who had several children told me that the degree of pain recovering from her haemorrhoidectomy was a million times worse than childbirth…& I believe her! But I still think my op was definitely worth having…indeed: it was unavoidable for all the reasons discussed above.

Hope things go well for you…we’ll all be by virtually your side…when you can, please let us know how you get on

💞💞💞💞 Coco

Eliana5 profile image

Thank you for your kind reply. I think you are a very brave and strong lady and you certainly don't look your age! Happy belated birthday. I'm 61 now. Had a birthday in January. It's so good to hear from you. ❤️

Barnclown profile image
Barnclown in reply to Eliana5

😯Oh Dear: that’s me at about 20…back in the day 🤷🏼‍♀️…so thanks, but now my other half says my face looks more like the bark of a tree (bless him: his face does too!). 😆💞

Amber307 profile image

so sorry for you. I have had them for sixty odd years. I am 85. I have had 3 lots of injections during that period. Also have you heard of xroid? I have had two lots of that. It costs 1000 go pounds but is very good but they do return. Check out on the internet and maybe speak to them. Good luck.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Amber307

Hi..thanks for writing. I just stumbled upon xroid the other day and it sounds quite promising. Have you had this procedure? Did the injections hurt and did they work. Sadly in my case because mine are so severe I don't think I would qualify for the xroid. I would also have to call my insurance to see if they would pay for it. For some reason I think Colon and rectal specialists shy away from anything new. I don't really want the rubber band method.

Amber307 profile image
Amber307 in reply to Eliana5

the injections do no hurt at all. I didn’t believe it but it was true. Exroid was good but they eventually do come back. I haven’t tried the rubber band so cannot comment.

I ice pack mine when they are bad and the wrap them up with anusol covered cotton wool. They are a nightmare.

I am trying to eat more fibre because of diverticulitus and I think this also helps the haemmoroids. It’s trial and error. I also believe Exroid is being tried on the NHS. That does not hurt and works instantly.

Good luck.

Amber 307

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Amber307

Thank you. I'm in the United States but will definitely bring it up to my Doctor..but mine are so severe I don't think there is hope..

Gastromania profile image

I had mine done as a child. Can't remember what procedure was done, but the surgical team were nice. Since then, it hasn't been as severe. I alternate between laxatives (esp Movicol and fybogel) because I can build tolerance easily. Increasing fibre intake while decreasing meat consumption has worked in my adult years. That, and investigating food intolerance

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Gastromania

Wow! I didn't know children could get these. I'm so glad to hear you are doing better now. I can't tolerate a high fiber diet because I have a weak pelvic floor..

can I ask a stupid question because I think I’ve got inner prolapses. I have bright blood that passes a lot of the time. Is that related to this you think and last time I tried to push it back in as hanging out a little I bled pretty badly like loads in the bowl of the toilet after. Scared me have silly because it took about 15 mins to stop. That was the worse experience to date.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Finaldiagnosis2022

Yes. I'm no Doctor but I believe they may be related to external and internal hemorrhoids. That's usually when you see the bright red blood in the toilet bowl. Mine gets so bad there are times I bleed on the floor. Nevertheless it's bad. I would certainly get it looked at by a colon and rectal Doctor. They can do a digital exam. If might be minor where they just give you a prescription for suppositories for the hemorrhoids and cream (usually Anusol) or it may be something else that needs attention. Try not to irritate farther by using toilet paper. Try the Tucks Hemorrhoids pads..they are cooling. If you have to use toilet paper..wet it first. But definitely try to get it looked at. Don't be like me at 61 where it may be too late. The sooner..the better..P.S. no such thing as a stupid question. ;)

Finaldiagnosis2022 profile image
Finaldiagnosis2022 in reply to Eliana5

thanks I’ve already been to gastro and more. I’m 58 nearly and this has been getting worse for the last several years. No one wants to listen in the nhs. Well they sure will now. I’ve had every single possible test and colonoscopy time they removed a few polyps. Could they not see the big pile in the way when they forced the camera up the yaxxy geeesss. Sorry letting off steam. Thanks and I wish you very much success too.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Finaldiagnosis2022

It's okay...I feel the same way. I have heard several people ask why don't they do surgery on the Hemorrhoids while performing the colonoscopy. I have a very overdue colonoscopy and dreading it (talk about making Hemorrhoids worse)..but I might say something in my initial office visit. I will say something like: I don't know how you put in the tube with all these large! And go from I guess they want to focus more on removing polyps..but I understand and am frustrated like this..

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