Hi, This is my first post. I have had abdominal pains left side under the ribs for about four months now and this is getting worse as the weeks go by. I am having panic attacks in the night now and and I am not sleeping.
I was told by the specialist at my local hospital that this was constipation, but after changing my diet and being regular now for about three weeks I am still getting the pain, worse than ever!
As well as the abdominal pains I am getting constant pain (soreness) just under the left shoulder blade and some chest pains.
I have had a colonoscopy and CT scan recently but these haven't shown anything positive.
Has anyone else experienced these symptoms? I am thinking, could this be gall bladder problems? Although blood tests have been normal. I also understand that this can be caused by an intestinal ulcer.
I would really appreciate some guidance for when I next see my GP as I seem to be running out of ideas.