Hi, I'm relatively new here and started having tummy troubles a few weeks ago. I've always suffered anxiety but its through the roof now because I've not been feeling great. Is it normal to have a loss of appetite when you have IBS? I've hardly ate anything in three days. Just a little melon, banana and pineapple. I don't know if it's cause there's something seriously wrong with me or because I have IBS or my anxiety. I'm really not coping well and feel so scared all the time.
Anxiety, loss of appetite: Hi, I'm relatively... - IBS Network
Anxiety, loss of appetite

Dear julesFD,
IBS and anxiety are often related. When my IBS started and I didn't understand why I had such weird pains and I didn't know which dread disease I might have (after many tests I now know I don't have ANY) I absolutely freaked out and ended up having a sort of nervous breakdown. At that stage I could hardly eat anything. I managed a banana or some stewed fruit, only because they slid down easily. I don't know if the not eating has to do with IBS but it certainly goes with the anxiety! I remember being so scared, too. Scared of everything. I would suggest you see your GP if you have a good one, and perhaps get a referral to a gastroenterologist - at the very least I think you might need to talk to a psychologist. They recognise what you are going through, and have strategies for you to use to cope. It's no good feeling as awful as I know you do. I'm so sorry you don't feel well - I'm sure many of us in this forum empathise with what you're going through. I wish you all the best. Get help. You don't have to go through this alone.
Thank you so much. I have my doctor tomorrow. The thing is I also have health anxiety and medical phobias. Doctors, hospitals, needles. I just don't know how I'm going to get through this. The doctor told me I don't have any red flags but it doesn't calm me down. I read what some of you with IBS go through and it sounds hellish. Then I feel guilty for being such a woose. I just know my stomach isn't right and I know my anxiety probably is making it worse. I really appreciate your reply 8goat and wish you all the best. Thank you again for your reply.
Sorry to hear about the health anxiety, that makes it a little more difficult for you, I know. If you can get through the doctor's appointment you might come out with a referral to a psychologist to help with your anxiety. The good news is they don't stick any needles into you! They just listen and talk. And you don't have to do what they say, either, just file it away if you don't agree with their perspective. I, however, found it very helpful indeed, because I didn't know what on earth to do, and I didn't know what was happening to me, and suddenly there was someone who recognised what I was going through, and had all sorts of useful strategies and suggestions. I hope you have a good appointment tomorrow. By the way, you are NOT a woos! All this is very real indeed. Just know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck!
Have you been diagnosed with IBS via elimination tests? If you have new symptoms you are worried about its always best to get them checked but being anxious and IBS can both affect your appetite
I have been referred for an ultrasound. My appetite has came back a bit but my anxiety is sky high. I have really bad health anxiety too along with agoraphobia and I just feel so scared all the time. Its so bad I can't even get a blood test done. The pains in my stomach aren't so bad now but I often get a deep crampy feeling down below. I always catastrophize and think the worst and seeing the doctor or if I have to go to hospital is making me ill.