My dr says I’ve got gerd but I think it’s more as can’t believe gerd can be so painful in the chest and middle of shoulder blades, I feel I have a lump in the middle of the throat too, so can gerd cause these pains? I do suffer with ibs too although not official confirm by a dr as of yet
Can gerd be painful in the chest and middle of... - IBS Network
Can gerd be painful in the chest and middle of shoulder blades ?

Hi dizzy pants have you ever had an ultrasound to look for gallbladder problems ? X

I’ve had blood tests done and everything came back all good but no ultrasound x
Do you get pain in the right shoulder blade too ? And do you get pain after eating especially a big meal or fatty foods like dairy , fried food etc ? If yes I would ask for scan to check gallbladder for stones , sludge etc x
Liver function blood tests would detect gallstones x

Yes and my liver was all good, so my heads all over the place now
It’s good that your scans normal have you had endoscopy ? Down the throat ? X

Really - LFT bloods detect gallstones? How is that possible? Very interested in this. Thank you.
The lft blood tests show problems with liver , pancreas and gallbladder higher than normal levels of ggt or alt suggest gallstones and then a ultrasound to confirm which is what I had . X

Thank you - very much appreciated! I must check out panc+ gallbladder re bloods. I had an USS in 2016 - 14mm g'stone and 2021 still the same, solitary stone... I don't feel sorry for it being alone. 😀
I have it and I sometimes get severe pain in my chest and back, no lump in the throat though
I have a hiatus hernia detected by endoscopy and before I started medication I had really severe pains in my chest and they often radiated to my shoulder blade, my left one normally.
Hi , I have an endoscopy booked for next week after experiencing most of the symptoms mentioned plus nausea in the morning and after a bowel movement. I suspect a hiatus hernia as I've had my gallbladder removed so can you explain what treatment you've had for yours please ?
Hi. Once a Hiatus Hernia is found they usually put you on a high dose of Omeprazole for a couple of months and then reduce the dose down longterm. It has helped with mine. Some days I felt like I was having a heart attack !
I know that feeling , unfortunately I've been on 30mg of Lanzoprazol for 20 years but my symptoms have worsened over the last year so not sure if increasing the dose will help
Hi 👋 I’ve had severe GERD for years.
Had the tube down the throat.
And yes to all your symptoms above.
Pain in middle of shoulder blades, chest and a feeling like there’s a lump in your throat are classic symptoms.
I’ve also had my gallbladder out, but it didn’t alleviate the GERD symptoms, as it just means your tummy produces too much acid and the ‘valve’ that’s supposed to stop your acid splashing up is not working properly.
Anyway, a non acidic diet, I watch what I eat (most of the time) and I take 15mg of Lansaprozal.
The only real time I get it now is when I have to take steroids for my RA.
I hope that helps.
Basically, yes. Can be dealt with by changing your diet, avoid anything fizzy or fatty and have a go at low fodmap recommendations a while. Your stomach and oesophagus may need time to heal from inflammation. Probiotics may help too.
Yes, it can. It can feel like a heart attack it's so painful. I get it and it can come on very quickly. I drink a glass of cold water and it instantly takes off the pain.
Oh yes gerd can have these symptoms! I get all of them from time to time. Usually the lump in the throat feeling is a manifestation of anxiety which comes with feeling bad all the time!
Yes had all those symptons with gerd, especially pain in shoulder blades
Yes. My esophagus has a tight spot right above the stomach which is very difficult and painful to pass food through. But it feels like the pain is almost up in my throat. The doctor explained that we don't have normal feelings or nerves inside our bodies like we do in our skin. So the pain is really coming from somewhere else, not where it seems. Drinking a glass of cold water like Carlettejaque says really helps me too.
Love your name, "Dizzypants".
Good luck
Yes, Your symptoms are what I get as well. Can definitely feel like a heart attack. I have lupus and my scopes repeated have shown inflammation. I take panzole and at times carafate. Cold water does help. Also, I found that I can not take generic plaquenil for my lupus. It aggravated it so I take a brand name even though it is much more expensive. Have any of your meds changed? Take care.
Healing hugs.
I’m taking 20mg of esomeprazole and it’s helping a little but still getting some gas pain, not sure if I can take gaviscon aswell, I do suffer with anxiety so I started googling things and read that gerd can cause oesophagus cancer so now I’m convinced I have that.