hope everyone had a good Christmas I didn’t overdo it at the Christmas dinner but I had 2 Brussels and a spoonful of broccoli and for the last 4 days I have had stomach ache on and off and foul smelling wind no diarrhoea or sickness is this normal I thought they would have worked their way out by now
Christmas dinner : hope everyone had a good... - IBS Network
Christmas dinner

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Jump to repliesI also did a small brussels sprouts experiment, plus I had some chestnuts. Then the next day I had most of a fruit teacake toasted (dried fruit doesn't usually suit me) And some unusual chocolates (3) All because I was invited to places specially. I also ate s bit of cheese.
Okay, my reactions weren't too bad, but I did get slightly looser bm than I had been having, but no other symptoms. But that hasn't quite resolved yet, and that was 3 days and 4 days ago.
Perhaps we're just a bit extra sensitive with IBS, and once we trigger something, it takes a few days or a bit more to go back to "normal"?
Luisa22 hits the nail on the head, We are more sensitive with IBS, sprouts always give me wind, but it was Christmas😁
I took Imodium to get through Christmas Day and Boxing Day ate what I wanted but left the sprouts alone, ate smaller portions didn’t over load myself but literally eaten whatever I have fancied, foul wind mild stomach cramps constipation (probably from the Imodium) just waiting in anticipation for poonarmy to arrive, all in all a good Christmas
Hope everyone else had a successful Christmas x
Sounds just like me.
Leenol since i was told i have IBS and Diverticulitus i started growing my own vegtables and have found a lot of relief from not eating pestiside vegtables although i stil fluctuate between constipation and loose stools a little bit i dont have very bad pains took my xmas dinner with both hands😂 all green veg sprouts brocli cauli even red sweet cabbage sorry to go on but 3rd xmas i have been able to enjoy my meal with out worry of what i could eat hope you all are wll and wish you prosperous new year.xxx
I never ever go near a sprout I don't like them and they don't like me. Broccoli is well known to cause wind even without IBS. I can tolerate a little. Had two xmass dinners in 3 days. My tum retaliated with cramps, loose stools a d knocked out for 2days.
I stayed at home & my granddaughter brought me huge dinners on Christmas & Boxing day( + prawn cocktails & trifle.) These included (4) sprouts, cauli cheese, broccoli stuffing. yorkshires. All things I have avoided for months but I was determined I was going to enjoy my meals whatever the outcome. I did feel uncomfortable. bloated & windy on the days following but that's quite usual for me & I expect people not suffering from IBS & who had over indulged suffered similar alter effects. Happy New Year to everyone.
Yes, a Happy New Year to everyone, and may belly woes go away !!! For us all !