I had a reasonable three weeks after Xmas, no ghastly days, many quite good ones, then I tried alflorex a few days and whether or not the cause, since Friday my gas has been awful, my sleep destroyed, alternating days with sleeping pills which leave me unrefreshed but at least better than a gibbering wreck after zero sleep. Lost appetite. Cant see a way out of this spiral. Can’t sleep during day other than 5 min nap I if I’m lucky. Trying to time senokot (laxido not that useful) so that I can evacuate enough at night to get some rest as it’s impossible to sleep through discomfort of the alien like thing sitting in there. I so desperately need restful sleep to give me strength. Any ways to ‘get you going’ in emergency that don’t need to be set about 9 hours +/-3 hours in advance?
Going downhill, need to apply the brakes. - IBS Network
Going downhill, need to apply the brakes.

As I am sure you are aware, there are no quick fixes (except suppositories or enema), so you will have to put up with the constipation effect for a while. My personal go-to is two Kiwi fruits per day and (on day one) a can of Coca-Cola, on day two =2 cans and day 3 3cans, day 4 =4 cans, then revert back to day 1. If this hasn't worked by day 5 I go down the suppository route and carry on from day 1. Also, don't overeat fibrous foods because they will give you too much painful wind. Make sure you are drinking a minimum of two litres of water per day. Good luck, get well and stay safe.
Hi I do feel for you , gas pains keep me up all night also , I’m lucky if I get 3/4 hours sleep per night . Have you tried windsetlers for the gas or ginger tea ? You could also try using glycerin suppositories from boots , and avoid foods that take ages to digest and ferment in the gut x

I have this problem too, how do you function on that amount of sleep.? I have to take sleeping pills but i'm finding they don't work as well anymore. Do you take anything to help with sleep and pain?
Hi edwangy I’ve tried strong cbd oil before bed it gave me nightmares 😖and the usual wind settlers , hot water bottle etc . Have had this for couple of years and I feel like a zombie , I’m still looking to find something that helps , sorry I can’t be of any help x
Probiotics can make things worse before they get better. I can be awake hours with my noisy guts. But I have started having chamomile tea in the afternoon and listening to a story when I go to bed and I do have a better sleep. Lack of sleep makes you feel so yuk. Take care and I hope you can get some rest soon.
My experience with Senokot was effective but short . My son got used to it and it made no difference . At the end I stopped all medications and gave him time and we made progress. Now he knows he is to push poo and not it is brown water that feels like pee. Still a long journey ahead of us. Now he asks for a nappy and makes poo in a nappy in his bedroom. It takes minutes not hours like before . Every two days we make sure he has private time in his bedroom with a nappy. He still refuses to sit on a toilet. Happy with our small progress.
Last night no sleep, guts in terrible state now. I pray gp will be ok with my request for more zopi and then that it will work and I can finally be knocked out after 40 hrs awake.
40 hours !! That’s bloody awful I hope you get sleep soon x