Hello everyone I'm led at home after giant hiatus hernia open repair which has sent my ibs crazy I can't even handle a glass of wine now I get bloated then diahrohea! Where as alcohol was not a problem pre op I'm hoping it just body stress and it will settle but has anyone else experienced similar please? Best wishes and good luck from sore Tel
Hiatus hernia surgery making Ibs worse? - IBS Network
Hiatus hernia surgery making Ibs worse?

Aww well nobody out of the thousands on here can offer a thought or maybe an explanation! I must be a real one off freak ...no worries I will log back in another 2 years maybe! Best wishes and good luck to you all. 🥰
Hi Soretel1970. Your certainly Not a freak just maybe people couldn't answer your question. You don't say when you had your op, how recent was it? If only a week or two ago I would think you need to leave the wine alone to give your stomach time to settle after such a big op. Did the hospital tell you to watch what your eating if not have a word with your gastrologist or gp. I wish you well soon
Thankyou! I know I'm not a freak but had a tough night so feeling sorry for myself! I've snapped out of it now! I had surgery on December 10th and was on a soft diet for 6 weeks there after and pretty much stuck to it (except Christmas day where I had the smallest of Christmas dinners! Bloated but I did enjoy it! But even the smallest of meals thereafter the six weeks was giving me grief I was getting by on wotsits and chicken raiders! I ve lost some considerable weight # I realise it's early days but with acid coming back up and loose bowels I got sent for a barium swallow yesterday so just waiting for further developments .. thanks for your time it's greatly appreciated 👍😊🤗