Hi everyone,
I am getting nowhere with sorting out my IBS, I am in the process of changing GP to try and get a referral to a specialist, but in the meantime am trying the low FODMAP diet by myself. I wonder if anyone else has experienced their IBS getting worse/more pain with trying this diet. I want to see a dietitian to make sure I'm following it correctly, as it is so complex, so wonder if I am getting it wrong and causing problems, or if it might be by body adjusting to the new routine? I want to carry on with it, as I don't see what else I can try and do to help, and need to be doing something!
I was off work last week and might end up having more time of this week the way I'm feeling. I also want to ask if anyone else has flu-like symptoms (very tired, groggy, aches etc) when have an ibs flare up? I seem to get both together when it's really bad, but I don't know if I have a bug that sets off the IBS, or if part of the IBS flare up feels like having a bug?
Any thoughts welcome, am feeling really fed up at the moment....