So today was day 3 of no bowel movement, been taking 1 senna morning and night then also today took 5mg of bisacodyl. Around 8pm I had the worst stomach pain and cramps and had to run to the bathroom. Once I realised the plug (well that’s what it felt like) I was then like a tap, felt like my insides where falling out. My bottom was so sore and now my abdo is cramping so bad, I have taking a buscopan and got hot water bottle which is not helping.
Could I have caused some damage? There is no winning here you need to go have the urge to go and can’t help your self to go and then when you do then you still feel it in ur bottom and have bad cramps.
I ve not had one good day in 5 weeks not even Xmas day this is horrendous now I just want to be back to the way I was before I had my Covid booster (yes that is what I think had cause all my abdo/bowel issues)
Do other constipation sufferers feel this way after taking laxatives to help them go ?