Very new and need reassurance: Hi there. (2... - IBS Network

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Very new and need reassurance

ChrisDavid profile image
7 Replies

Hi there. (28 Male here) I’m very new to this IBS thing, and since learning about it I’ve felt so down. I don’t even know if I have it… but I wanted to get some advice as soon as possible from people who have it.

Baring in my mind, when I say new, I mean very new. As in, this all started last Wednesday (so about 10 days ago)… and I’ve been quite ill and in pain since then.

Also: I apologise if this is long-winded and a bit erratically written, I’m not very articulate I’m afraid as I have learning difficulties.

How it started:

Last Wednesday evening, I stupidly had a whole bottle of Chardonnay in the bath on an empty stomach before bed. I felt very sick overnight, and was the same in the morning but constipated also, and dizzy while tying to poo.

Obviously I just thought I was hungover at this point and I was, but I didn’t think it was anything else. I didn’t really get better by the evening though which was unusual.

Problem was that this sickness/hangover whatever you want to call it, stayed as the days went on to the point where I was bed-bound mostly. I was constipated and feeling sick, and had an aching lower abdomen.

Since last week I’ve been to A&E, as at that point I had a severe ache. I was checked over by a GP and nurse practitioner, including my vitals, a urine sample for infection, blood test (not full blood test), physical examination of abdomen, and they listened to my abdomen. In the end, an appendix surgeon examined me to see if I had appendicitis, as he said it was his job to make sure that I did or didn’t need to go to theatre. After he checked me over, he said that he didn’t think it was appendicitis, and said I was well enough to leave A&E. He also said that because of the elimination of other things that it would probably be labelled as IBS…

I’m awaiting to provide a fecal and urine sample to my GP and have a blood sample taken on Wednesday next week for further tests. I’m not sure what will come of that.

The main symptoms at the moment are cramping and spasm pains in the lower abdomen (which occurs mainly at night), and the other is the constipation and nausea at night waking me up (although the spasms and pains tend to stop then).

My worry is that it is IBS, and how I will deal with it. I’m scared that my life will now be a misery and I will never be happy. I’m worried I won’t have kids, and I won’t have a future.

It’s only been 10 days, and I don’t know if that qualifies as enough time to already start worrying about IBS. But the anxiety of it all seems to be making my gut feel physically worse.

As a side note too; My older brother (31) committed suicide this year, which was back in April. I’m not sure if it is having a subconscious effect or not, as I haven’t really been overly emotional. But I’m a very anxious and easily stressed individual.

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ChrisDavid profile image
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7 Replies
BabsyWabsy profile image

Hi ChrisDavid, I am so sorry that you are suffering. It sounds like you are getting help though, which you can take as a positive. Some of us wait years for our symptoms to be taken seriously. Anxiety will not be helping your gut issues either and it would be a good idea to get some help for this too. A diagnosis of IBS would normally come after anything else is eliminated, so getting some more tests is also a good thing. If you can, try keeping a food and drink diary. It might show some things that trigger your symptoms, so you know to avoid them. You have my best wishes.

Gina130 profile image

Hi and welcome to the group. Anxiety plays a huge part in ibs and doesn’t help. I have been labelled with IBS when I was 20 I am now 46 and only just had test done. My GP now thinks I may have an IBD I have to wait e for my second lot of feacal test. If they come back high again I need a colonoscopy to see what is going on. Everyone who has IBS have different symptoms you will find your triggers. You need to keep pestering your GP for test.

edwangy profile image

Hi there, do you drink enough fluids? (not alcohol) It sounds to me that you may have been dehydrated after your bottle of chardonnay which made your poo hard caused the constipation. Try cutting out alcohol for a while and drinking more fluids,. Just a suggestion

Kazzacrazy profile image

Hi I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time....constipation can cause all the symptoms you're suffering from. As mentioned dehydration can cause horrendous constipation and anxiety and stress can play havoc with our bowels. I hope you get it sorted take care.

Hikeandlive profile image

I’m sore you are going through these challenges. Try to worry about the future. You deserve to take care of yourself now. Take that bath with Epsom salts and lots of water. Move every day and rest well. Reducing anxiety may not solve the issues but it will help you manage symptoms. I’m a big fan of elimination diets as well like Whole30Lady. Good luck to you!

angelwings52 profile image

Hi, sorry that you're feeling so unwell. Try keeping a food diary of everything you eat and drink, that will help identify anything that makes your symptoms worse. Avoid artificial sweeteners especially sorbitol and drink plenty of fluids. Ask your doctor to refer you to a gastroenterologist. Hypnotherapy can really help with anxiety and stress levels. I hope you feel better soon 🙂

OSCARBOSCAR profile image

Hi Sorry you're suffering. Anxiety is a cruel master & given what your past year has been like there's no wonder you are anxious!! Exercise is one of the best remedies ever - any type of exercise. Also cut out all caffeine, I find fasting of 4 to 5 hours between meals & not eating after 8pm helps as your gut gets a break. You won't starve 😊 have a warm drink if you feel hungry but not the biscuit it will undo all the good work you've done!! Good luck with it all 👍

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