well after 10 months of many laxatives for chronic constipation, 8 months since an X-ray showed considerable faecal loading, I finally had a colonoscopy! The diagnosis is Diverticulosis. Fantastic that the diagnosis wasn’t cancerous, nevertheless, it doesn’t help the abdominal and back pain that I’ve been having for almost a year. I’m now looking to you friendly, knowledgeable people to give me some tips, I look forward to your replies and hope that you are all enjoying our summer!
diverticulosis : well after 10 months of many... - IBS Network

My gastro docs emphasize keeping things moving down there. So, lots of fiber in your food, plus daily osmotic laxatives.
Hi Laxido21, hope you are much better now.. try dried apricots and prunes as they are rich in fiber, also ask your GP if you can take Movicl on daily basis because it works well too.
I've heard prune juice is good for constipation.
Hi Laxido21,Same here! Started last fall with a hospitilization for colitis. Then 7 months til my colonoscopy! Same diagnosis, with gastrophy (undefined gastritis). The colon prep for the procedure helped me alot! Now just healing as much as I can. I was given a prescription for omprezole, that mafde me really sick!! So I take Mylanta if needed and try not to eat anything that will trigger my intestines, or cause constipation...a really fine line so far. Hope you are able to fine what works for you! Good luvk!
Well done for getting your diagnosis. At least you know what you are working with now.
High fiber diet and going for a daily walk should help. I also found that doing two hundred small jumps on the spot every morning worked a treat. There are certain fruits that work well for me: peaches, mangoes, some find dried apricots work well too. Avoid bananas.
I was diagnosed with Diverticular Disease in 2018 after i had diverticilitis and evryone is different its not one fits all . You really want to be eating high fibre foods soluble fibre based as this pulls water into the colon try milled flax aswell , someone mentioned dont eat bananas , however it depends as ripe bananas are ok to eat drink plenty of water every day and lots of moving around cut down on red meat . As i said everyone is different
As you say, everyone is different, but bananas were a problem for me until very recently - pretty much regardless of state of ripeness. As a child (we’re talking fifty years ago) bananas were actually recommended to my parents as being good for a child who suffered from constipation. I kept on saying that this was incorrect; they weren’t helping at all, in fact they seemed to be doing the opposite. It’s only really in recent years that I’ve heard people in the medical profession agreeing with what I’ve been saying for decades.
In fact at the moment I’m relying on bananas to keep things stable. After sixty plus years of being very susceptible to constipation, in the past twelve months I’ve gone to pretty much to the other extreme at times and the docs don’t know why. Colonoscopy came back clear (no diverticular disease and no cancerous growths or even polyps). More tests have been requested to try to work out what is going on. At the moment though, having a banana every other day (regardless of state of ripeness - though I draw the line at bananas with skin which is more black than yellow) is definitely firming things up to the point of normal bowel movements. After a lifetime of the opposite this is quite a new experience.
I have been using cosmocol for a number of years now, it`s not perfect but does help. Exercise plus drinking enough water also helps a lot. Good Luck.
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Hi there I have Diverticulosis aswell & I get Very Constipated Too. Its horrible having lots of health Problems that doctors just expect you to live without Pain relife it's Unreal.