Hello I am recently diagnosed with one and I'm really really struggling. I have constant constipation and nausea and pain in my stomach. To make matters worse I am her underweight and need to find ways to gain weight but u can't eat lots In one go or anything that's got high calories so it's a vicious cycle 😔. I find i struggle with high sugar content foods too. I was wondering if anyone can help me with some questions I have:
What foods are easy on the stomach small in size but high in calories?
What drinks are high in calories and sutible to drink?
PLEASE not I can't have soy and worry about the high sugar content of milk.
Is fruit and vegetables puree good as it's already broken down?
Is carrot puree Good?
What can I add to potatoes to add calories?
Can the probotics in yogurt be irritating? Is there anyone's I should avoid?
Could hot chocolate irritate Me?
What's the difference between natural occurring sugars and other sugars? If a drink is high in sugars but there all natural occurring, should I not worry about it?
Has anyone tried baby food?
I would appreciate mentioning of Pacific brands too.
Sorry for all the questions just really desperate. Thank you