Hello all,
I have ibsD.. symptoms worse in the mornings, I go multiple times a morning, always soft stool and a lot of it. Since Sunday, I think I've been in a flair. I've been a little worse off than usual. My stomach is loud, lots of intestinal noises, going to the bathroom as soon as I wake up.
A few days ago I passed my third stool with lots of mucus but this time the mucus had a few red strips within it. I've passed mucus before but it's usually clear or the color of My stool. I haven't noticed any since but I can't stop thinking about it. I have health anxiety as it is, so I'm not sure what to do.
I Had a clear colonoscopy a few months back, a clear abdominal and pelvic US, as well as a negative stool test for H. Pylori. Do I need to be worried? I hear about mucus with hard stools but my stool is always soft. Should I go back to the doctor or am I overreacting?