Fed up! Fed up! Screeeeam!!! Sorry for moaning but I can't moan anywhere else lol.
After 3 nights of no sleep I went out today on a pre arranged day out with my friend, I mean this is something you should be looking forward to not dreading. It's amazing how doing your hair and make-up and putting nice clothes on can give people the impression that all is well, if I dressed how I felt I'd be in a halloween costume - thinking in the lines of a zombie, a very ugly bloated one.
But still not to burden anyone else I put a smile on and carried on. I got through a couple of hours walking around the shops then went and sat in a cafe, the pain radiating up through my pelvis through my hips and stomach, whiggling around in chair trying to get comfy slowing loosing track of the conversation as the pain became all consuming. Secretly thinking what time is it, surely it must be time to go home, I need to be alone, just me and my pain...
Luckily I was driving so made the excuse we set off to beat the traffic. The nausea set in, I lowered the car window gasping for breath, thinking just hold it together, not long to go now. I dropped my friend off, smiling and waving from the car. I drove round the corner from her street and burst into tears, I had to pull over to compose myself. I made it home, went straight into a hot shower, stood there head in hands crying, the hot water washing my tears away. When will this pain ever end? When will I ever enjoy anything again? When will I ever get a good nights sleep? I can only hope when I have my laparoscopy in 3 weeks time I get some answers. In the meantime I will embrace and make friends with my inner zombie xxx