Hi all hope you don't mind me ranting/wanting advice or suggestions. I have a gallstone in the duct. I have had the pain for 2yrs got diagnosed last year. I have had my consultation with the surgeon there going to remove the gall bladder in 6 months.so he says . 2yrs ago when this started the pain would last 20mins then id be fine but they are lasting longer. This attack is on day 11 I have had 3 major pain day and nights sickness, nausea,Stomach upset ect.. and when the pain isn't too severe I feel an ache inside for hours. It hurts to breath deeply lay on my back and in my shoulder. Just awful most of the time. I have been on a low fat diet for 8 months and have lost 4st. I'm trying my best but all the Dr and a&e keep doing is upping the pain killers. I am fed up is anyone else going through a similar situation or has previously.? Any advice? Sorry it turnt into a long post ....its going to be another long night 😡
Gallstone pain 11days after starting - IBS Network
Gallstone pain 11days after starting

Hi crybaby I’m in the same position , only just been put on the list after 3 years ! Have pain that lasts for days after excruciating pain that has me rolling around on the floor . Many times I’ve ended up at hospital or in the back of an ambulance . Also been on low fat diet for years , makes no difference , the stones keep blocking entrance to the bile duct . Doctor told me to take buscopan and co cocodamol , I’m that pissed off now I’ve started to ring and email the consultants secretary , and my gp as I can’t eat much either and painkillers don’t work . The only advice I can give is to be a pain in the arse and keep on at them , and I really feel for you it’s a miserable existence x

Thanks for the reply I'm sorry you are going through it too 😢 I have new anti sickness meds and dihydrocodeine to take with paracetamol and ibuprofen. I had to leave work (in my new job probation period)early as I do nights and take a week off as was getting no better up a&e for the first time. Its just really poo situation isn't it? There just lasting sooo long and no one seems to be giving advice on how to manage. Just pain med and diet but when I do wrong there like you shouldn't eat that . I have become scared of food and eat once a day as I have other problems but it's never enough. I'm exhausted staying awake in agony. No one in my life actually understands the awfulness of our situation 😪
My attacks usually last a week , drinking lots of warm water will help to thin the bile and eating small amounts throughout the day too instead of a big meal at once . Find a hot water helps too, and you’re right no one understands the pain I get either ! X
Gallbladder pain is excruciating. I really feel for you. I had mine removed. Went private due to wait and could not work due to the pain and strong pain medication. Some say a warm bath helps but I was in too much pain to get into the bath. Sorry I cannot offer any advice but I really do sympathise with you. All the best x
Not me, but my husband. He had his first attack end of October and then with his second he was admitted to hospital for a week because a stone was stuck in the common bile duct which caused liver damage (luckily it healed). The stone was then removed by endoscopy. He was scheduled for surgery in December but caught covid so it was delayed. His operation is 2 weeks from now. Not sure if you're in the UK like we are, but your wait seems excessive as we were told the wait is only 3 to 4 months. I hope you get sorted out soon, I have seen how painful the condition is.
Thanks for both of ur replys! Yes I'm from London and there s alot of back up because of covid. I hope you husband feels better from covid. Its unbearable at times. Trying to hold down a job and deal with this is a nightmare 😕 . I called the hospital they have said atleast may. Its just so frustrating as I'm doing all I can to stop the flare ups. Its just not enough 😔 they won't treat my other problem either until I have had the surgery.
I hope you get your op ASAP, must be so frustrating just waiting. Have you told them you will accept any cancellation at short notice? I have heard that can sometimes speed things up. Might be worth a try. Good luck.
And I thought I was the only one. Nearly 40 years ago, now 78, I presented with same symptoms. All the tests under the sun, even told me it was all in my mind and gave me antidepressants. Two years later and now looking skeletal, a chance encounter with a doctor got it diagnosed. Good luck everyone
That’s just awful !! I try and make up for the lack of food on the days I can eat and believe me I can eat for England I’m that hungry x

What made me so mad was I had all the symptoms you could read about if you looked in Woman’s Weekly or any other magazines of the day. I expect the consultants were reading the Beano!
😂😂😂 they told me pulled muscle , indigestion , acid reflux , it was only when a young doctor asked me if I still had my gallbladder that I was sent for a scan . Wouldn’t mind but it seems any upper right stomach pain Is classic gallbladder problems , Dr google has been more helpful ! X

Thanks for your comments 🙂 you feel so alone it's nice to see I'm not. I'm 28 and have a tone of digestive issues that they now won't look at till my surgery. Its a joke as its hard to have a life /work. When you constantly unsure of how you feel what will set you off.
You’re welcome, do you think that the gallstones are causing other problems ? I think they are causing mine ? X

The surgeon doesn't think there related 😒 so I don't know I need to see the gastroenterology dep but they won't see me till I get the surgery. So on the round about I go 🥲
Same here doesn’t think my pain lower down and going through to my back isn’t related , but I argue the toss , was seen by colorectal / gastro first and everything is ok , so they say x

It's so bloody frustrating 😤 isn't it? I have lower abdomen pain also and can be incontinent when my stomach is upset. So hard to be normal but the test come back normal so you are but you aren't. There like nothing more we can do 😒
The gallbladder is part of the digestive system and by the time it’s full of stones it’s not working so the rest of the digestive system is affected too , my consultant told me that , can’t wait to have it out !! X
Hi i had my gallbladder out years ago and gallstones is one of the worst pains I have ever endured I collapsed one day with it so don't beat yourself up over complaining about it So good luck with your op Hope it all goes well