About 7 months ago, i was foolishly prescribed a medication that I believe set off my IBS, since that time I have also struggled with insomnia. I used to be a great sleeper, going to bed early sleeping through undisturbed, now while i do get some hours of sleep i am constantly waking up, about 5 times a night, and never actually feel tired/sleepy anymore. I have tried everything. I have noticed that i am more anxious with the IBS, but dont seem to be overly anxious when going to bed. My IBS pain is constant, but the pain not bad enough to wake me up and is actually least bothersome at night so that does not make sense, nor do i have to get up to the toilet. Its just broken sleep really. Anyone else like this.
IBS and sleep problems: About 7 months ago, i... - IBS Network
IBS and sleep problems

Hi Ruggerhead, I totally hear you. I am exactly the same

Do you think its related Shaunine? I mean the IBS and sleep. I used to love going up to my bed and sinking into a great nights sleep, now i seem to wake up heaps of times, albeit for short periods and seem to go back to sleep, but it just seems that even when I am going to bed I am wide awake, I dont nap during the day and concentration seems ok just don't get that nice feeling of being tired anymore. Im not sure if the two are related but it seems the timing started then.
I’m not sure, but my partner thinks it’s anxiety related, I wake sometimes with awful feeling of nausea and the uncontrollable urge to go to the loo then afterwards I really struggle to go back to sleep so I end up lying on the sofa watching tv at stupid o’clock in the morning.
The only time I really sleep is I have a period of two or three sleepless nights then I am comatose. Very strange though
Well it could be but......... we are all different as I am having nights where its been difficult to sleep, I have been looking out the window at 3am in the morning and by the looks of it some of my neighbours are the same. My sleep patterns have got bad since starting the tier system and I sure that now we are in full lockdown it won't improve but my IBS d has been better so I think anxiety over the lockdown is my prob. I presume you have stopped the medication you believe was to blame for the flare up?
Yes, but for me it could be worse than that Im afraid, re permanent damage. Put it this way if any of you have teenagers wanting or asking to go on a drug called Accutane, tell them from me, an older man who knew nothing about it to run as fast as they can. Im serious, it has in my opinion, and Im not a health anxiety person at all, ripped through my system. Since being on it for 1 month, yes 1 month. Spent weeks in hospital with a bleeding Ulcer, diagnosed with SIBO, IBS, anxiety, insomnia, and great last week NAFLD just to add to the list. Thats a good few things for it to be ' all in my head' But Im not going to let this rest, we go to Drs for care, not poison, so angry and in constant, chronic pain..
Hi there since my pain started up I cannot sleep either waking many times in the night seem to be wide awake But it makes me very irritable in the day did used to sleep like a log x
Forgot to add my son wanted accutane for his acne the dr refused him , I’m glad if it drys out your skin that much can’t imagine what it does to your intestines , I think it will take time for your insides to heal your prescriber is accountable for your situation I woudnt be happy either x

Yes, low dose and assured me safe as houses, well she was wrong and has ruined my life to be honest, thank god he didnt start on them. Anyway else reading this and have teenagers wanting to go on it, get well informed.
Have you found anything at all to heal your gut ? X
No, trying everything, you name it, just want an idea of what I am dealing with.. You?