How did you manage your initial diagnosis? - IBS Network

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How did you manage your initial diagnosis?

Zedi39 profile image
20 Replies

Hi, everyone.

I’ve just had an official IBS diagnosis last Thursday.

I had a call from a GP who just wanted to get me off the phone ASAP - I’ll be calling back tomorrow and asking for a f2f appt with my preferred and trusted GP. Because right now, I know very little.

I don’t know what type of IBS I have - I think IBS-A but haven’t been told.

I don’t know how to start to manage this complex and painful condition. The GP said “look at cutting everything out and slowly adding things back in”. Well, sorry, but I do my research and I know full well that she was suggesting something like the low FODMAP diet and I KNOW that this should be conducted under supervision of a dietitian and/or GP.

I’ve been placed on Mebeverine which has worked really quite well. But I’m at a loss as to how to go forward. And I’m still having some issues with pain and discomfort.

Just wondering how others went about their first diagnosis?

I have no issue going back to my dr and getting them to actually help me! Just wondering what I can do “outside of the box”.

Thanks a lot 🙏

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Zedi39 profile image
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20 Replies
Viklou profile image

Sadly not one things fits all and finding out what your triggers are is basically down to you. Call the GP back and ask to be referred to a dietician. They can guide you through the FODMAPS and offer advice. There is also an NHS app that you can use to help

Zedi39 profile image
Zedi39 in reply to Viklou


Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I understand it effects everyone differently and even that things can change the longer it goes on 😬 Eek!

Was just wondering if there were any gems out there I may be able to pick up on 😊

BabsyWabsy profile image
BabsyWabsy in reply to Zedi39

As you have found out, you have to be your own advocate and learn as much as you can. Initially, my gut issues were patronisingly dismissed by the first GP I saw. 'if something upsets your tummy, just don't eat it'. I had already worked out through trial and error what was causing the problem, and had stopped eating wheat at least a year earlier. Some time later, I presented again as I still had severe D. This time the doc (locum) freely admitted he knew nothing about gut issues and referred me to a gastro consultant. Result: Colitis and possible wheat allergy. GPs are generalists, but most have a specific field of interest. It may be worth asking if there is someone at your practice who is interested in gut function.

Owen12 profile image

Hi. I ve been diagnosed with IBS (not sure which type). I had to push to be prescribed something..eventually I was prescribed Mebeverine 135 mg TDS which is helping but not always..i still have a bad day or two when I get severe pain and bloating. I am waiting to speak to a dietetitian which again I had to push. Since February 2021 I have been struggling with pain and discomfort. My iron and ferritin levels are also low and have regular bloods done. Had a colonoscopy because the stool sample showed a possible inflammatory bowel disease but the colonoscopy was normal so the specialist suggested IBS.

edwangy profile image
edwangy in reply to Owen12

If it's diarrhoea, it's IBS D constipation it's IBS C, if both it's IBS M

Tamerisk profile image

My diagnosis for a spastic colon, over 38 years ago , followed a,," follow through barium meal exray". ..and other rays and hospital examinations. I was lucky. I saw a world class specialist some 35years ago.I have found that diet is only a very small part of the trigger. And this various from time to time.

My problem lies in a very slow large colon, so not all medication is suited.

I think it has become commonplace for the local GP to diagnose IBS for any gut complaint, without carrying out more investigations. This requires the patient to try and document the events, to help with the diagnosis.

But it varies from time to time and person to person I have found.

edwangy profile image
edwangy in reply to Tamerisk

I'm similar to you. I was diagnosed about the same time with ' spastic colon ' as it was called then and slow large colon, which they now call ' redundant colon' . I just wondered what medication you took, I assume you have constipation. I've tried all kinds, most things give me cramps and diarrhoea ie lactulose, cosmocol, milk of magnesia, and most other stool softeners and osmotics. I'd love to know what works for you, do you get pain as well?

Tamerisk profile image
Tamerisk in reply to edwangy

My medication has always been for constapation. It is Dulcolax Adult sodium picosulate. Firstly in capsules now only available in liquid form. Allegedly only works on large colon. 5g/5,ml per night, or as in my case every 3-4 days.

Krisbetty profile image
Krisbetty in reply to edwangy

I was recommended rhubarb complex by 21st century it took a week but I now have regular bowel movements. I also have 2tbs of ground flaxseeds a day.

Zedi39 profile image
Zedi39 in reply to Tamerisk

Hi. Thanks for your reply!

I had several tests to rule out other nasties and was then told “it’s IBS, we’ll refer you to a dietitian.” & that was about it!

I’ve been back on to the surgery today and asked for someone who is a gut specialist or my preferred GP and been told to ring back first thing tomorrow for an appt so I’ll do that.

I just would like an explanation & some guidance!

So pleased you saw someone who knew what the heck they were talking about!

Antiques72 profile image

Hi I have had it for 30 years … at that time they said it was colitis and treated me with fybrogel etc … it was only years later that i realised it made me worse ….I have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and now it’s seems it’s a mixture of IBS with other things , the best way is def to try and cut out wheat , gluten and very high fibre foods … def get some Buscopan which are a life saver ..really helps with cramps, and now I take movicol every other night to keep the bowel clear or it seems to build up and cause either the runs or constipation … which make your life hell when you have to go out , it knowing that the movicol is working really helps the stress levels … the GP will not be able to diagnose … you need a specialist

edwangy profile image
edwangy in reply to Antiques72

What do you eat instead of bread? Is it the gluten or the actul wheat that causes you problems?

Antiques72 profile image
Antiques72 in reply to edwangy

I stick to gluten free , it’s not very nice but I don’t take risks any more … it’s the gluten that seems to do it but I also stay away from wheat , i buy gluten free or free from , also free from pasta , and now lactose free milk … everything is worth a try and you might even find it helps ..

edwangy profile image
edwangy in reply to Antiques72

thanks, I'll give it a try, nothing to lose

Zedi39 profile image
Zedi39 in reply to Antiques72


How awful that the meds to help you were making you worse!!

Ok, I’ll see where the conversation goes tomorrow 🤞

Antiques72 profile image
Antiques72 in reply to Zedi39

Yes because of high fibre ….now I steer clear

Smeese profile image

I agree that a dietician will be needed in order to avoid deficiencies from a too strict diet but appointments are hard to get at the moment. You could cut out the worst offenders which others have identified - wheat, onions, garlic - then cut down a bit on sugar, yeast, alcohol and caffeine and go for lactose free dairy produce. None of those will cause a big impact on your daily nutritional needs and will greatly reduce the load on your digestion and inflammation.

Bits1961 profile image

It's like everything in life some good some bad; same with GP's Some want to help some are a waste of a phone call📞🙄

edwangy profile image
edwangy in reply to Bits1961

I find most are a waste of a phone call


bookeater profile image

I am also on Mintec which is on prescription. I have a timer on my phone to remind me to take my Mabeverin and Mintec before I eat. Good luck it's a hard thing to manage I'm 2 years post-diagnosis and no week is the same I just think I have things sorted then it flares up with one of the symptoms.

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