Left hip: Good evening all. Does anyone else... - IBS Network

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Left hip

Boxroad profile image
23 Replies

Good evening all. Does anyone else get left hip pain when their IBS is flaring up? I get it to the point it keeps me awake a night, it’s horrible if I lay on it.

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Boxroad profile image
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23 Replies
3443Ness profile image

Mine is my right hip that I get pain in like you I carnt lay on that side for long and if I do it wakes me as get in so much pain with it thought it was just good old age creaping in but it is worse when my IBS flares up

Boxroad profile image
Boxroad in reply to 3443Ness

That’s what I thought, just getting older or I had pulled something then I realised it goes away when IBS calms down and returns when it flares up. I guess I need to find out what I have now become intolerant to this time, my list of things I can eat is getting smaller each year, I should be as skinny as a rake but I am the opposite. My dog eats better than I do lol

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to Boxroad

I have also been getting middle back pain feels like it's in my spine. My ibs is getting worse the older i get I'm the same my list of foods and drinks r getting few what I can tolerate and my dogs eat better than me. I recently had a very bad flare up with IBS D and lost 9lbs but now I have gone IBS C and seen to have put the weight back on and stomach is so bloated we cannot win I've suffered for 20 years and this is the first time I have had IBS C so I don't know if my body is changing the older i get 😒

Boxroad profile image
Boxroad in reply to 3443Ness

Mine started about 30 years ago after I got crushed at work just before my wife was due to give birth to our daughter, I was off work for three months, I was fine upto that point. I have mostly been IBS d and that takes over your life, at its worst I would never be very far from a toilet, at the moment I am going between IBS d and c, I am also having issues with my diabetes so I am due to see a consultant very soon to have all my hormones check and have some scans done. I also can’t tolerate tape water as the fluoride the water companies put in affect my IBS terribly I live on Sainsbury’s hubbards water, I have tried other spring water but they affect me as well, it depends where the spring water has come from either chalk, rock, limb ect and stress is a big trigger. I get a lot of back pain mine is mainly down the right just under my shoulder blade. IBS is a horrible thing it affects the whole family, my daughter missed out with certain things due to my IBS, my wife and I very rarely eat out in case I get a flare up, I think we have only eaten out once in the past five years. Do you keep a check on you fibre? I only found out in the last year they there are two types of fibre soluble and insoluble, betting the balance right helps a lot. Sorry for the long message but IBS is a bit part of my life. What sort of dog you got? My boy is a lab cross with a race horse lol he sure was a fast boy in his youth, he is now 13 the fastest he moves now is to his dinner bowl bless him, but he still enjoys his walks along to foot paths.

ShouldaWouldaCoulda profile image
ShouldaWouldaCoulda in reply to Boxroad

Now….mine is a Greyhound rescued off a U.S. tract at 2 years old. He’s 8 and I can assure you he eats

Better quality food and has better Health Insurance than we do!

Iesgobdafydd profile image
Iesgobdafydd in reply to 3443Ness

My TMJD gives me pains in various places but especially back and head; I'm sure it was also the cause of my IBS which is now almost entirely cleared up. The back pain did coincide with the digestive symptoms feeling worse. I imagine there are a lot of possible causes of back or hip pain, but that's another one to think about.

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to Iesgobdafydd

Thank you I will look it up

If the hip pain is at the top of the femur (where you can feel the ball bit of the bone) then could be bursitis. I've had this pain for years and kept telling my rheumatologist that my hip was hurting, last appointment they finally told me it was an ortho problem and get a referral to that department! Wish they'd said so 5 years ago....

ShouldaWouldaCoulda profile image
ShouldaWouldaCoulda in reply to

I’d be interested in what they find with that currently

in reply to ShouldaWouldaCoulda

I only got the push to ortho because my last rheumatology appt was changed to a phone consultation and so I looked up exactly what bones were involved so that there could be no mistake as to what I was talking about!

Elmacho73 profile image

Same happened to me, this is crazy .

Boxroad profile image
Boxroad in reply to Elmacho73

How often do you get the hip pain

Elmacho73 profile image
Elmacho73 in reply to Boxroad

couple times a month.

Me too! GP says it’s “tight muscles”. Uhhh..no

Yes I do and it is very peculiar because it only happens when I amin a flare up. I would love to know what it is

Hpaddict profile image

Yes I get pain in either my left or right hip or sometimes both when I am in an IBS flare up and I agree it's horrible. Dunno why this happens though as only when I'm in flare up mode.

Boxroad profile image
Boxroad in reply to Hpaddict

It not very nice is it, who would have thought that food could make you feel so unwell.

Fergie53 profile image

Wow that’s exactly what I get an I had this yesterday, my left hip so painful and I had a really bad IBS day with cramps, fatigue and generally feeling rubbish! I do think it’s often food related but I don’t always know which foods are the trigger!

Boxroad profile image
Boxroad in reply to Fergie53

I am diabetic with IBS high blood pressure and just recently angina, I realised that I had to take control of my life, I keep a daily diary, what time I get up how my toilet was following the Bristol chart, what my sugars are and mu blood pressure. After about a month I found out about insoluble fibre and soluble fibre, I didn’t even know there was a difference. With IBS I find if I eat something that does not agree with me within 24 hours I will have diarrhoea, so after I while I could look back at my diary and see what causes it. We are told to eat our veg as they are good for you, i grow a lot of our food in the garden and was eating a lot of kale cabbage green beans ect ect thinking I was doing the right thing until I found out about insoluble fibre, insoluble fibre don’t absorb any water as it goes through your digestive system resulting in diarrhoea, where soluble fibre absorbs more water make you stool more soft and easy to pass through you. I know it sounds gross but how your food comes out tells us what we should and #should not put in us. I also can’t tolerate tap water so I have bottled spring water, tap water has fluoride in it and if you suffer from IBS high intake of fluoride can cause you a lot of issues. My mother used to say an apple a day keeps the doctor away but if I eat two a day it goes right through me but if I peel them then they are fine. I have had IBS for over 30 years and yes it’s still gets me, I am going through a flare up at the moment. When I go through a flare up my wife is very good and bakes me things with gluten free flour ect, when my toilet is loose I have more mash potato and cut out the greens as it help reduce it. If you have an email address I can send you the list I made of soluble and insoluble fibre, when you look into it it’s a mine field on the web with each web site contradicting the other even NHS sites from different hospitals, so I chose Ipswich NHS hospital and took as much from that one web site as I could the carried on with the list. I can’t tolerate anything in dairy, I use soya. I hope this might help you in some way. All the best Lewis.

Fergie53 profile image
Fergie53 in reply to Boxroad

Thank you, I have much the same experience with dairy, apples and some green veg so I think you are right about insoluble fibre, I will do a bit more research, sometimes I have to give my gut a rest! Thank you

Boxroad profile image
Boxroad in reply to Fergie53

It’s horrible isn’t it

Mlitt0818 profile image

I have had bursitis in my left hip. Got an injection that was like a miracle. But I’m also convinced it’s worse when my digestive system is out of whack. I also have hemorrhoids and last week when they were inflamed, because of my IBS, I got a spasm in my lower back that was unbelievably painful. Twice. I was almost completely immobilized. Couldn’t even walk without pain, I started using a suppository type medication with lidocaine and anti inflammatory, and the spasm type pain has gone away. I definitely agree IBS causes a lot of lower back pain.

Boxroad profile image
Boxroad in reply to Mlitt0818

Oh haemorrhoids don’t get me started on those little devils, I had one pop last week talk about bleed, it’s mostly down to the dreaded IBS C. I think it even affects my diabetes.

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