Why left hand side?: I have a lot of generalised... - IBS Network

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Why left hand side?

janke profile image
21 Replies

I have a lot of generalised stomach ache but when I get cramps or trapped wind it is always on the left hand side - why? Is it something to do with the anatomy of the bowels?

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janke profile image
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21 Replies
missymo profile image

Janke.if its the lrft hand side it certainly is the bowel.xx

Tomfin13 profile image
Tomfin13 in reply to missymo

I get it on my right side what is that

Lulububs profile image

Hi janke,

It because it ur descending colon on ur lower left side so when u got wind or upset stomach thats where ur hurt..

I started using peppermint capsules before eat plus probiotics before eat and i havent had any problems since.


The colon descends to the rectum down the left hand side so if you've got stool there that hasn't fully evacuated, that's where you'll feel the most pain - usually wind that can't escape. Try a laxative, colon cleanser or glycerin suppositories and see if they help.

Jaycee profile image

Hi I had left hand side pain, apparently if it's on the left hand side it is more than likely to be Diverticulitis, have you spoken to your GP about it? antibiotics cleared mine. hope this helps.

in reply to Jaycee

Hi there was reading your post with interest , I have been suffering for nearly 4 years with numourous visit it the doctors ! Finally one doctor has given me antibiotics saying it may be dysobis- think this is divicular disease - anyway have started anti biotic . Can you give me information how long before you got better & any other information would be extremely helpful

Many thanks


Jaycee profile image
Jaycee in reply to

Hi Again, it only took a few days to start to feel better, but unfortunately it can recur, I had the pain on both sides, and have had bowel problems for years but GP is unwilling to confirm I have IBS, my bowel habits can change on a daily basis, I have an Activia yoghurt every day, it seems to help settle my tummy, hope this helps and you feel better soon, it;s a hard road we travel, but with a little bit of help and advice we will get there, Keep well.

in reply to Jaycee

Thanks for reply. I'm so confused is dybosis the same as divercular disease di you know ? How was you diagnosed? Think I'm feeling bettter after two days ? Hopefully not just wishful thinking again thanks

janke profile image

Thanks everyone - have had all the tests - al say it is "just" IBS. Pagan`s answer makes a lot of sense but I`m steering clear of laxatives at the moment!

Linley profile image

Left hand side possibly diverticulosis (have to get it confirmed though) via a colonoscopy

Gettingoldnow profile image

Hi there.as others have replied sounds like diverticula .i shall be posting my general findings on my experience yesterday colonoscopy may be of interest to you .under heading colonoscopy findings as promised ok

stix profile image

I find when I have trapped wind or upset stomach where I need urgent evacuation it’s always the left side pain, but constipation pain on the right side, it’s when I have both sides together I know I’m in trouble.

But I do have active inflammatory bowel disease so might be a bit different than IBS

Magicstar profile image

Hi, my pain is always on the left and when I had my colonoscopy it didn't hurt apart from the exact same place I get the pain. This is where I have diverticula as they showed me the pouches on the screen.

janke profile image

thanks again - I`ve had colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy - no sign of diverticulitis

Tibblington profile image

Hello Janke. The stomach is more left than centre of the body and it may be that you have gas trapped there. You will find some interesting references in a book by Dr. Giulia Enders called "GUT - the inside story". She writes in an easy to understand humourous style. It's available as an electronic download.

Tomfin13 profile image
Tomfin13 in reply to Tibblington

Thank you I will look for that

Lulububs profile image

I ended up in a&e over easter weekend crippled over in pain, left hand side, was in hosp four days on major drug and antibiotics as they thought it was diverticulitus. I had ct and colonoscopy and both were clear...

I was told could b ibs or intolerances as u can build up a intolerance and ur body will eventually tell u not to keep eating it ie crippling u in pain... so i went to a alergist and i am dairy and gluten intolerant and basically coz being easter id eaten alot of chocolate it had decided to let me know it wasnt happy.... oh the pain ive never felt pain like it , i was laid on floor for three hours sweating before my husband came and found me and took me to hospital.

Since then i realise i always had left side pain always put it to having wind or upset belly. Since i have given up gluten and dairy i have had no pain whatsoever....

i use a probiotic , digestive enzyme, peppermint oil cap, and a candida capsule so i get good gut bacteria and i take them half hour before brekkie and dinner and it been good....

so just dont worry it could b something u can heal

Ur self.... diverticulitus is something that u dont have all time it generally flares up when u eat something or a partical of food gets stuck in colon... it wont b there all time.

Or it could b a groin strain? Or hip pain? Mayb try give up dairy for couple weeks seeif that helps pain then if not try gluten

missymo profile image
missymo in reply to Lulububs

Lulububs.what is a digestive enzyme??

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to missymo

It a enzyme thats has various components that help u to digest ur food easily it breaks down fats and carbs so ur stomach finds it easier to eat it also helps inflammation in gut and colon. As soon as my gastroentologist told me to get some and peppermint capsules and probiotics my life changed

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to missymo

If u want to give me ur info il show u all bits i take daily to keep the old gut happy .. if u dont i understand only i did try to tell someone once and got accused od naming products which i dont most is generally found in a good natural shop in high street begining with h & b ha ha but the digestive enzymes were actually recommended by my alergist and gastro

missymo profile image

That would be great. Got to rush off now.i.l be intouch.xx lulububs.x

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