The dull aching pain I get on left of my gut always seems associated with feelings of overall unwell ness. Lethargy and sort of fluey feeling. Makes everything an effort when it is bad like now. I think it is often set off by anxiety. Anyone else experience this?
Dull aching on left and generalised unwell ness - IBS Network
Dull aching on left and generalised unwell ness

I suffer from IBD as well as IBS, and this is common for me. Low left-sided pain and generally unwellness.
I’m sorry you do but it is reassuring to know others do too. I try to tell myself to try to ignore it but it dominates my life when it is bad. Like now. My ibs is more C than D and I’m taking Fibrogel which helps with the constipation and the wind pains are less but the dull ache is so horrible but the feelings of unwell ness are worse
Hi wifflesnook, I know where your coming from with the pain and the feeling of unwellness, it too dominates my life, I now take opiate painkillers which dissolve under the tongue, I suffer from severe anxiety which in turn contributes to the ibs, so it’s just a viscous circle. It take all my strength to get out of bed and face another day. Sorry I can’t be of any help to you, just wanted you to know your not alone and I’m here if you need to chat or rant. A good rant always make me feel better🤦♀️ Take care and hope you feel better soon
Hiya, sorry to hear you're feeling like this. I've also been feeling like this over the past couple of weeks. Hope it eases soon!
Could be Diverticular disease.. get yr GP to refer u for a colonoscopy..

Is their a cure for divertucular disease
No .. but its manageable through diet
yes daily. GP or the GI cannot tell me what's going on. Nothing on Coloscopy or Endoscopy. I feel this dull ache upper stomach and middle of my back...comes and goes throughout the day and also a lot of burping.
What's your diet like?
i am a veg and try to stay away from triggers but nothing seems to help
I'm inclined to think its the fiber. When I was battling my intestines through last year, fiber was one of the food groups I had to cut as it was triggering symptoms. Much later when the intestines were more stable, was I then able to very slowly trial different vegetables one by one. Its a very long process.