Mucus in my stool and bloating: Ok so a bit of... - IBS Network

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Mucus in my stool and bloating

HannahCB92 profile image
11 Replies

Ok so a bit of background, this was in February 2021 that i had tests done - I have had persistent bloating every time i eat and drink since July 2020 . I ignored it because lots of my friends said it was normal and they had it too. I have gone between being constipated one day and having diarrhoea the next day. My stomach always distends so much when i bloat that i look pregnant. I suffer with wind and the occasional back pain and now also stomach pain sometimes. I went to the doctors and they did 2 lots of blood and stool samples over 6 weeks. I got checked for a lot of stuff! Celiac, Crohn's, IBD, Ovarian Cancer etc. There was a whole list of stuff. The first stool sample came back for the faecal calprotectin test which wasn't normal but it wasn't high either, it was sitting right in the middle. The doctor then spoke to a gastroenterologist and he said to do the same test again in 6 weeks to see if it returns to a normal level or gets higher. So i did that again after 6 weeks and it had returned to its normal level. So then the doctor said to come back if the symptoms didn't improve.

Since those results at the beginning of March 2021 i have been trying to see if symptoms improved over time. I wasn't getting bloated as often, but i am always constipated. To the point i am always straining. I eat a healthy diet and exercise 4 times a week. This week the bloating has gotten worse to the point my stomach feels rock solid and my stomach is constantly rumbling. I have had a lot of wind also. And then today after i went to the toilet i noticed a sticky orange mucus on the toilet paper! This has never happened before and has only happened today and i don't know whether to speak to my doctor again or see if the mucus happens again in the next few days.

I hate when doctors constantly tell me to see how it goes and then call up again, it makes me feel like i am being a nuisance because they keep telling me nothing is wrong and it is just getting me really down and upset, and with the bloating i just don't feel good about myself either. And i always get a different doctor every time and i have to go through everything again! Even tried a gluten free diet and a dairy free one recommended by the doctor and neither helped.

Any advice would be appreciated, or if anyone else has had a similar experience.

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HannahCB92 profile image
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11 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

Consider seeing a gastroenterologist. Make sure you have a bland, healthy diet. Eliminate all junk food, desserts, fried food, lactose, soda, caffeine, etc. It may be IBS, but this has to be diagnosed.

Hi there constipation is the bane of my life mucus is normal with ibs . For me personally I found a healthy diet full of fibre made it worse . Now I take 1 sachet of movicol a day which softens it and a scoop of optifibre which is soluble guar gum which speeds up transit . Eating more fibre when constipated will just make it worse , drinking warm water help too . Fybogel usually prescribed by doctors doesn’t do anything for me neither does lactulose causes more wind and pain x

KF166 profile image

I also have exactly the same mix of IBS-C and IBS-D with bloating and wind and sometimes excruciating sharp pain in the abdomen. I have on occasion experienced mucus which is normal for IBS-C apparently. Drinking lots of water definitely helps the constipation for me. Eating minimal dairy helps, and I’ve just this last few weeks started removing gluten from my diet which is helping with the bloating and wind, but when I am stressed or nervous everything comes right back. Have you tried the FODMAP diet? That could help. Probiotics used to help me but I had a strong course of antibiotics for my wisdom tooth which has made me sensitive to them now. Think I’ll try a gentle brand when I’ve got some days off work. Sorry I can’t help much but I’m in the exact same position. Fed up with it.

HannahCB92 profile image

I suspected IBS originally but they say nothing is wrong and i know it can take a while to get diagnosed with IBS as there aren't any specific tests for it. I don't eat a lot of fried food, or desserts or caffeine. I cut a lot if that out as i also suffer with heart palpitations. I tried a gluten free diet which didn't help much but i hsve never hears if a FODmap diet so i will have to look into that and maybe give that a try. Thanks everyone

Mumoftwo224 profile image

Hi there sorry to hear what you have been going thought, I have no answers regarding the bloating etc but I have always had orange mucus just randomly some days... I had a full colonoscopy done as I had blood in my stools ( not because the dr was at all worries about the orange mucus... colonoscopy came back all ok I just had hemorrhoids. Sorry it’s not much info but I remember trying to google answers about orange mucus and I couldn’t find anything! And yes it was sticky like you said. Hope you get some answers soon. Never feel silly for asking questions regarding your own health, always follow your gut 🙂

Beau63 profile image

This could be SIBO a bacterial overgrowth you can get tested for this a low FODMAP diet will help have a look at SIBO uk on Facebook very helpful good luck

xjrs profile image

Your body can produce more mucus when you are constipated to help ease out the stool. The excess then comes out when you have a BM. Your bloating could be down to the constipation i.e. food hanging around in your system too long producing gases. If you want some tips on the constipation side I can pm you if you want?

HannahCB92 profile image
HannahCB92 in reply to xjrs

Yes that would be great thanks!

HannahCB92 profile image

Thanks everyone for the advice and suggestions! I finally got through to my doctors but they can only get me a telephone appointment on 3rd June! But i guess that's better than nothing! I will try out some of the suggestions from here till then. I'll make sure to mention them to the doctor as well. Once again i have a brand new doctor so will have to explain everything all over again :(

UK_5010 profile image
UK_5010 in reply to HannahCB92

Curious about you suffering heart palpitations too. I have been diagnosed with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and have suspected it is linked to stomach issues. It used to be fairly well controlled with Ranitidine and Bisoprolol but, since Ranitidine has been discontinued, it has been a struggle to replace it and I have been suffering a lot more AF episodes. Unfortunately the cardiologists are only concerned with the heart and it has taken months to be referred for an endoscopy but am now on a waiting list although no idea how big it is! Do you suspect your stomach problems may play a part with your heart palpitations or is that a separate issue altogether? Good luck with the phone appointment - it really is no substitute to being seen face to face with a doctor though...

Bits1961 profile image

The age old see how it goes and come back if it doesn't improve.Becoming a stock in trade comment meaning OK you have had your 10 minute consultation off you go


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