So, I’ve been to the doctors and they haven’t diagnosed IBS. They just did checks to ensure no food intolerances. But with nerves I quite often get the feeling of needing to poo and not being able to hold it to the point where I’ve either got to stop the car and go in the back of the car in something or rush to the nearest toilet (if there is one). This effects my life so much. I don’t feel I can drive anywhere that there could be bad traffic incase of getting this issue. Every time I go out I’ve got to try and poo before I go. When I get nervous about something I get this feeling too. I have to take an Imodium so often incase of this. It generally does help but doesn’t always stop it. I really wish I could just get on like anybody else and not worry about this. Anyone got any suggestions? Thanks
Toilet Issues: So, I’ve been to the doctors and... - IBS Network
Toilet Issues
Hi, sorry to hear your experiencing this.
Have you had a colonoscopy before? My husband has ulcerative colitis, which when managed correctly helps these sorts of symptoms- and what you’re explaining sounds similar to what he was experiencing.
No need to apologise, just hearing other people speak about it helps a lot! Thank you, i will try my best to get a doctors appointment asap. Hopefully they can identify a cause at some point wether that means after many tests or not.
Have you seen a gastroenterologist? They know the most about IBS and can usually diagnose it fairly easily. There are some treatments, including medications, stress reduction and the FODMAP diet. In the meantime try to eat a fairly simple and bland diet. Avoid junk food, caffeine, soda, and processed food as much as possible. Hopefully this will be diagnosed soon as it is miserable constantly worrying about going out, or finding a bathroom.
I know how you feel, I suffer from the same problem. You're always on the look out for the nearest loo.I contacted my doctor and he said it wasn't exactly IBS but a tetchy stomach and recommended an imodium (loperamide generic term a lot cheaper) once a day to help settle the stomach into a routine.
I also noticed white bread an caffeine irritating my bowel so switched to de-caf coffee and bread with lower wheat content ie sunflower, oat and mixed grain loaves that the tesco finest range do.
It is a matter of experimentation and see what suits you
I wish you all the best
First of all your doctor needs to run blood and stool sample tests to rule out anything else:
If all these come back clear, the default diagnosis is IBS. Usually the first check is whether you are eating a healthy balanced diet (fibre, protein, healthy oils, different types of fruit and veg).
I'm not sure how the doctor checked for food intolerances. Did they just question whether you react to specific foods? The only way to test for food intolerance is with a FODMAP elimination and reintroduction diet under the guidance of a dietitian from a GP referral. However, I'd always recommend trying a probiotic such as Alflorex first, in case you have a gut bacterial imbalance since it might make you more tolerant to foods if you have intolerances so that you may not need to eliminate so many when trying the diet.
Thank you, yes my doctor has done stool tests and blood tests, they came back all clear but never actually diagnosed me with IBS. But as you said IBS tends to be a default diagnosis.
I have never had any tests or seen any specialists, it's so difficult to even get a GP telephone appointment, but I know I have IBS - been suffering for years. I am interested in Alflorex that you mentioned. Do you know if it works, is it worth trying it for a month or two? I will try anything as doctors only want to treat serious or emergencies and not chronic conditions like IBS!
That's a shame. Many GPs now want patients to contact them to get appointments through their online messaging service. In fact, these days it seems the best way to get an appointment. IBS should never be assumed. You are within your rights to ask for these tests and if not and you are in the UK make a complaint to PALS:
It would be negligent for them to not out rule other reasons for your symptoms.
Assuming you do have IBS, Alflorex has been scientifically studied for IBS. I have tried many probiotics over the years, but Alflorex has worked the best for me. If you get in quick I think Precision Biotics have a discounted 3 month trial pack out now. Worth trying it for the full 3 months. Good luck.
Hi there by the sounds of it it’s def ibs d anxiety and stress can cause this as well as food intolerances and bacterial infections go back to your doctor ask for stool tests celiac tests and ask for other medications you can take . There’s plenty of people on here suffering with ibs d I’m sure they will give you some advice x
I feel your pain, when I retired I kept my VW transporter van and recently purchased a cheap porta type potty to keep in the back for emergencies. That has taken a bit of the tension out of things. As I stated in another thread this outburst seems to have started after my covid jabs. I have had all the usual cameras up etc and have been told I have IBS and Diverticulitus in the past but it was never anything as bad as it is at present. One of the problems is IMHO most doctors don`t seem to have much of a clue of how unwell we feel at times and that leads to more stress. It can be a long haul to pin down whats the cause if you ever do. One of the other things that cause upset and stress to me is that my wife ( who is a great support) is becoming depressed at trying to lift me out of the low spot I`m in at present. I have found in the past that half of an Imodium tablet has gotten me through but now waiting for a inguinal hernia to be fixed I dare not take anything that might bind me up at all. Of course it`s not the easiest thing to share with friends and family so we tend to have to suffer alone but at least we have these forums to air our feelings. Although we certainly wouldn`t wish this on other people it does make you feel slightly better that you are not the only one in the world who is suffering like we are. Not sure how old you are but keep the faith, put your trust in the medical staff and hopefully they might locate the problem. Not that long ago at the age of 76 I was wondering if I might make another 20 years but of late my thoughts are " don`t tell me I might have to live with this for 20 years" This reply might sound very down in the mouth but sharing these feelings might let you know that you are not on your own. Good luck and hope you get to grips with the problem soon.
I have identical issues. I've never managed to identify any food intolerances so am working on the basis that it is mainly anxiety related. Recently started taking sertraline alongside CBT.
I have had all your symptoms in the past. I am now relatively stable after 42 years of torture. Even now if I have an attack I will not make for a toilet because I’ve voided too many times just inches from the toilet bowl and had to have ambulances called to the loo because I couldn’t leave in the filthy state I was in. Now my car is my sanctuary. I keep a potty lined with a plastic bag in the boot. I have soap, water and towels. And also change of clothing. I am a musician and am terrified of voiding on stage. When I play mandolin my other band members know of my problem but I still fast before a gig. When I play drums I am the only female so don’t have The bottle to tell the guys what could happen so then I perform an enema as well as fasting before a gig. These are drastic measures but at least I know I will not get taken short. I am a good person and I don’t deserve this and neither do you. Read all you can on the subject and don’t let them tell you you’re bringing it on yourself by worrying. It’s the bowel behaviour that causes the grief. Not the other way round. Get well again soon. Con amore Bx
So much like I am. There are stores in our community that I cannot go into because they do not have available washrooms. If I know there is no WR I need to go and have to leave but if I am aware there is WR facilities I could be fine or not depending. Nerves play a big part. My life is ruled by this IBS. 20 years of it. For me it started with a bad case of poison ivy that needed steroids, antibiotics and a hospital stay. From that point on my bowels were ruined. I do get good times where I think I am cured but it always returns. Immodium is my standby. I take before hand if I know my situation involves me not having WR facilities.
I had this about 10x a day until I stopped working, stopped studying and stopped dating. Now I don't remember what Imodium looks like.
Im not saying it's stress for you but you seem to know the triggers which is great and it does seem to stem from anxiety and the ONLY way I can function like a normal person is by preventing unnecessary stress. I now have a job which I'm taking one day at a time and am single and won't be going back to uni. I can eat and was once at around 44kg. You need to manage stress better by the sounds of it cos you don't deserve to feel this uncomfortable on the daily!
I’m exactly the same as you , my tummy problems aren’t connected to food just if I worry about something not even anything major and the diarrhoea starts I have to take an Imodium so I can continue with what’s planned . I take a low dose of anxiety tablet but it still happens fed up with it !!!
I hear you, I'm like that, going shopping or even a walk anywhere, I've got to go first and then dosenon imodum I bring wipes I wear the long decreet sensitive bladder pads which gives me confidence and I've had accidents but these are great because you won't soil underwear and you can keep spare in your bag with wipes a life saver but like you I just wish I could just go somewhere without having the worry about if there is a bathroom there or not