I am feeling unwell with a sick type headache, over the years I have had IBS but it never made me feel ill like I am feeling at present. I`m going to ask the doctor for a poo test incase I have an infection. Can it be part of the symptoms for IBS? My temperature is normal but just feel very heady and feel the need to poo a lot. Thanks
Feeling quite unwell with what appears to be IBS - IBS Network
Feeling quite unwell with what appears to be IBS

IBS has never caused a headache for me. It is also possible that you are getting a cold or some other mild virus. You might also ask your gastroenterologist about SIBO. I did have this a few months ago and was very tired with a few other symptoms.
I get like that with my IBS but mine is a bit extreme. I feeling exactly like that at the moment so it could be.
Yes, IBS can cause sick headaches and a feeling of sickness and lethargy, a general feeling of illness.Keep to the low Fodmap diet but cut out all fruit, tomatoes and porridge for 2 weeks. You might also be intolerant to something. Intolerances can cause awful side effects. It's when the culprit food gets into the large bowel which can be anything from 12 hours to 4 days. That's why it's so difficult to discover intolerances.
There are 3 biggest, dairy/lactose, yeast and wheat.
If you haven't already tried it, cut out all dairy then add to that the yeast. If no improvement add wheat. This will help to see if you have one of these intolerances. I am dairy, yeast and sunflower oil intolerant. That one was a devil to discover!
It's amazing how many IBS sufferers are simply intolerant to something in their diet.
I think I have pinned it down, when they took ranitidine off of the market they tried me on all the other similar drugs and I ended up on Omeprozole , I have been using it lately and more tests by me are needed but I left it off yesterday and things have improved. Early days but fingers crossed.
Hi there. Just to say I too was made unwell because of Omeprazole. After many months on 1 x 20mg twice a day I became depressed lost a lot of weight and had such discomfort in my upper stomach which was was all worse than I was originally feeling. My Dr suggested an antidepressant but luckily I had a telephone appointment with a Gastroenterology Consultant and he said to drop to one Omeprazole and he he would send a prescription for a h2 blocker (Nizatidine) as PPIs too potent for me now. I feel so much better now. No tummy pain at all. After 2 weeks just started getting headaches so have dropped to one capsule before evening meal and feel better again. My aim is to drop right off capsules and then go to gaviscon 🤞. My original diagnosis by endoscopy was Esophagitis back in November. It's been a long road to get this far. Esophagitis was brought on by taking ibuprofen for twisted knee pain . I will never take ibuprofen again. All the best.
Ask the doctor for a poo test to rule out anything before it’s assumed ibs , could be food poisoning , inflammation , infection x

Poo test delivered to doctor yesterday, awaiting results.
Good luck keep us all posted x

Poo test results. Enteric PCR normal, Clostr Difficile Normal. I tend to have to get up earlier than I would like, rush to the loo and empty then after being up for a while another empty ( where is it all coming from?) mid to light brown. I know I have suffered over the years with IBS and Diverticulosis but this is getting to be the norm, I`m drinking plenty of water to keep me hydrated. I mentioned to the doctor that I take half an Imodium and that helps to get me through the day but he said not to take Imodium. I can`t afford to get bound up because I`m waiting for a Inguinal hernia op where part of my bowel has popped through the muscle wall and I have been given Cosmocol to keep things moving but I think I`ll have to knock that on the head because it is probably making things worse obviously. I`ve managed my IBS for many years but this is getting out of control. I`ve tried various foods but nothing seems to make much difference. I`m 76 and am not looking forward to what should be a comfortable retirement, I must eat something but what? I am also waiting for an Aorta Aneurysm to be fixed along with cataracts so maybe it`s stress (could it be the covid jabs causing it?) Thanks
On my you have for a few problems there ! What are your symptoms of bowel hernia as that’s what I thought I had and how do they diagnose it ? X

It started with a pain on the left low down when I cycled, now it is there without doing anything. When I poo I must not push because the poo has to go outside of the muscle wall and back in again and if I push the pain comes on bad. That`s the only benefit of the runs because it flows easily.
I take the cosmocol too only 1 sachet a day perhaps you could reduce the dose for couple of days see how it goes , as you have a bowel hernia your right about not getting constipated I imagine it must be very painful x

Yeh, I have dropped the dose a bit so I`ll see how it goes.
Headache from low sugar with IBS diet. Take unripe banana it can help level sugar.