Anxiety about travelling!: I have terrible... - IBS Network

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Anxiety about travelling!

robcathy profile image
13 Replies

I have terrible anxiety about travelling anywhere incase I need to go to the toilet. I start worrying days before incase I am taken short and on the day of travelling I get terrible cramps and need to go to the toilet endless times. It also ends up like water, but I get very upset. My husband has been marvelous and I have good friends that so far, have been understanding. One of our friends had bought a new car and we went out. On the way back my stomache started bubbling. I had to stop three times. On one of the times I asked my friend to stop, cos I needed to go (By now I feel I am on a white knuckle ride, almost hyperventilating!!) We pulled of the motorway and as we pulled out onto a roundabout, a truck hit up the back of his 9 day old car! I was devasted, not only now did I desparately need the loo, but had hurt my neck. I got out and had to go in some bushes, with my husband standing by, with me sobbing.

It has taken over my life. I never go on a bus or coach now. If i go on a train I have to make sure I am near a toilet. I want to go away but dread it. Does anyone suffer the same, as me.

Oh also I have Fibromyalgia as if the ibs wasn't enough. I WANT A NORMAL LIFE.

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robcathy profile image
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13 Replies
annekeith profile image

i hv panic attack,s i start gettin all worked be4 hospital appointments iv tried so hard not 2 panic but u cant help it hv u got the loose i.b.s hv a word with ur doctor and he cud change ur meds 4 u 4give me 4 being ignerant wat is fibromyalgia is that anything 2 do with 2 much fibre intake im sorry neva heard of that i had a silent stoke at xmas also my belly did swell so much i hv gu and i hv bad day,s asu knw thing,s got worse as from walkin on sticks 2 bein in wheelchair i also had 2 go glutton and wheat free pluss diary u cud try changin ur diet as 4 goin out try not 2 get worked up because that wont help tell ur friends to not to tell u wen ur goin out just turn up also dnt plan day,s just do lv ann xx

robcathy profile image
robcathy in reply to annekeith

Hi, annekeith, Fibromyalgia is problems with muscles & tendons. I ache all the time and some days have trouble getting out of bed. It affects my sleep. I fall asleep with no problem but cannot stay asleep. i wake on & off all night long. Light affects my eyes, I have dizziness. Headaches and brain fog. I have had many blood tests for other things, but they have told me it fibromyalgia. It has many other side effects. I would run out of page. I do get good days and make the most of them. I love gardening but can only do small amounts otherwise I am laid up for days.

annekeith profile image
annekeith in reply to robcathy

thanku i cant sleep at nite im on sleepers i hv pain,s in my legs they dnt now if it,s due 2 me bein paralized in my legs or its sumthin else causin it but thanku i will mr in2 that

Krazydeb profile image

Dear Robcathy

I know exactly how you feel. I was exactly the same. I was supposed to go to a wedding in Italy in June and couldnt go. I am now on antidepressants from the doctor because of the anxiety and they have helped. Couldnt even speak when I went to the doctors. Even had counselling at work. Trouble is the anxiety makes it 100 times worse and then an accident happens. I am on Symprove probiotic now for about the last 4 months. Great reviews if you google it. I have definitely got my life back and even went to Spain for a week in September. Dont know if it is the Symprove or I have come to terms with my IBS which you will be able to do. Just a matter of time.

PatV profile image
PatV in reply to Krazydeb

my sister says probiotics saved her life with "crohn's" or ibs-d . worth checking out.

robcathy profile image
robcathy in reply to Krazydeb

Hi Krazydeb, I haven't heard of Symprove and will definetely try it. I am willing to try anything. I too amy amitryptiline which is an anti depressant. I think they help a bit. they make me feel tired a while after I take them, so I get a bit longer sleep in the first couple of hours. I am fed up looking in the mirror and seeing a tired face, all the time. I am 56 and have never looked my age, but I know I have aged since this got worse. You would do if you don't get enough sleep.

I would love to get my life back to as normal that I can, having fibromyalgia aswell.

Many thanks.


I had this too for years - try some of the suggestions given, but also consider using gut-specific clinical hypnotherapy that addresses the brain-gut connection - I was literally housebound with IBS, just the thought of travel would set me off with urgency issues - sometimes hours in the loo with people in line banging on the door, etc. Even traveled with a coffee can in my car at one point. I used the IBS Audio Program 100 from England, which was helpful to me - might help you out a bit - at least it would not hurt you in any way. More info here: I have had IBS since 1983 and after years of suffering, this helped the most for me. Hope you find your answer to feeling better soon - my heart goes out to you - it isnt easy, I know. Take care..

balkpath profile image

I am a physician. Please provide me with the name and email address of your professional arm. Many thanks! Balkpath

balkpath profile image

I am a physician. please provide me with the name and email address of youir professional arm. Many thanks! Balkpath

I totally sympathise as I also dread travelling anywhere as never know when the symptoms will start. I now ensure that i take loperamide just so at least i can have a day out without worry. I do the same if we are going to be travelling anywhere - just one dose. We recently flew out to Cyprus and then had a weeks cruise. I had no symptoms at all whilst we were away but as soon as we came home the symptoms started again.

I am giving Symprove probiotic drink a trial now as have read it can be helpful and a recent but small clinical trial has achieved some good results.

myIBSmk profile image

I have had anxiety disorders since age 13. IBS since 44 when I had my gall bladder removed due to crystals not stones. I used reg over the counter for my "D" then added Questron. It works well and can be taken as soon as the issuenstarts.

I would suggest talking to your Dr. About your aniety, and maybe even trying a low dose med. to help you. Anxiety is not just a is a disorder to be treated so you can feel your best and not miss everything! I also see a councelor who helps with things I can learn to help control my over-reactive nerves as they say!

dinkydoona profile image

I completely can relate to how you are feeling! I can't believe there are other people out there suffering like me. I have always been a nervous person and when i get nervous I need to go to the toilet loads! Over the past 18 months I have got that bad that I struggle with every day life and it is relly getting me down. I dont want to go out anywhere with my family as I always get so nervous beforehand that I cant get off the toilet, I constantly have Imodium in my bag and I am so fed up!! I am currently having CBT however it is not helping as yet :-(

Hi again, been on symprove for 4-5 weeks and what a difference already. Next step is to exclude the foods that set me off, but I feel tons better. No problems with short journeys and my anxiety about travelling is reducing - which probably also helps.

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