Hi all,I would just like to tell you all my day everyday. I wake up,my first thought is how much pain will I manage to take today. I go to the toilet then go and sit down for my breakfast Rice Krispies,to which my hubby has to do for me. Then I go to the toilet for my first poo of the day,which starts the pain. I then have a bath again with my hubby’s help,then have a second poo. So not to go to deep as the day goes on by about 4-00pm I’ve had about six poo’s each time the pain getting worse. By now I’m in tears about wether I can cope .i struggle through each evening watching the clock so I can go back to sleep,as that’s the only relief I get,and that takes a Temazapam. I dread waking every morning knowing what I’ve got to cope with. I don’t know what’s wrong with me apart from IBS and diverticula.ive had antibiotics for. I’ve coped like this now for over a year,and I’m now just worn down. I open my eyes and wish I weren’t here every morning knowing how my day is going to go. I have multiple other problems but this out weighs them all.
If anybody out there has any suggestions,name of a good consultant even private Ect Ect I would be forever in your debt. I’m soooo desperate.