Hi all
I've completed my week of research for IBS. I wore a pulse and heart monitors for the week, filled in various surveys through the day using an app I had to download and also you have to fill in other bits and pieces, I won't go into too much information😉.
What I was surprised about were what you can suffer with with IBS, they are (there are the obvious ones of course):
1. Abdominal pain
2. Intestinal Gas
3. Rumbling Tummy
4. Bloated
5. Urge to open bowels
6. Feeling sick (this is one I had most days before I started the Low Fodmap diet)
7. Burping
8. Heartburn
9. Feeling full
10. Feeling an urgent need to open bowels
11. Straining when opening bowels
12. Bowels not completely empty
13. Palpitations
14. Sweating
15. Short of breath
16. Dizzy
17. Muscle pain
18. Hurting joints
19. Urge to urinate
20. Anxious
21. Feeling low
22. Irritated
23. Stressed
24. Worried
I hope this helps and if anyone else would like to take part, here is the relevant information:
Here's the paragraph that was in the IBS Network August edition:
Participants wanted for IBS research
Researchers at Queen Mary University of London are looking for people with IBS to take part in a new study, evaluating a new mobile application for symptom registration in IBS.
The study involves recording your symptoms on a mobile app and wearing a wristband device for seven days. All information will be anonymous and treated confidentially.
You may be eligible for this study if you suffer from IBS and if you are aged between 18 to 70 years old and have a Smartphone.
On completion of the study, you will be compensated £50 for your time. If you would like further information, please email Dr Rabia Lalani at r.lalani@qmul.ac.uk.
Have a good day all and stay safe and well.
Alicia 😊🌈👍